Friday, April 16, 2010

Tau vs Space Wolves

Battle missions - Annihilation was the goal

Tau Army List - Farsight Enclave Tau(First box in Comments)

Space Wolf Army List
Logan Grimnar
Njal Stormcaller
Wolf Guard Battel Leader: Frostblade, Meltabombs and Saga of the Hunter.
Wolf Priest

5 Wolf Scout: Meltagun and meltabombs

14 Blood Claws
Wolf Guard: PF
4 Wolf Guard Terminators: SB and PW (2), TH and SS (1), and Dual WCs (1)

Land Raider
Land Raider Crusader
6 Long Fangs: 2 HBs, 3 MM
Wolf Guard: TDA, CML, SB, and WC w/drop Pod

Summary (adapted from Rob's point of view given via email)

Turn 1
SW failed 80% of 2+ saves on turn one resulting in the death of Logan and the WG with CML (along with 6 LFs), but the bomb got a Hammerhead and an 8 man FW. Then, that same turn Tau blew up SW LR Crusader and killed 3 or 4 BCs.

Turn 2
BC shoot and killed 4 out of 6 pathfinder. Tau turn 2 wiped out half the BCs and caused a may not move or shoot on the LR.

Turn 3
Saw the WP charge 3 crisis suits killing one and the BC charging and killing the pathfinders. Bill's turn three saw all BC wiped out minus the WG with PF.

Turn 4
Wolf Scouts turned up but on the wrong side of the board. Njal comes out and gets chained lighting. This rule is devastating. Wipes out over two squads of FW who break. Kills one Tau HQ (commander), and does other damage to about 3 or 4 other squads. Njal and terms charge farsight and he kills 3 but gets a hammer to the face for his toubles. WP wipes out rest of crisis suits and WG with PF smashes 2 out of 3 suits from another squad. A super turn for the wolves considering I could not accomplish much before that.

Game called after turn 4 due to time. Neither side was wiped as per the objectives of the battle mission, therefore the game was considered a tie.


  1. My army list

    -Commander Farsight

    -Sha'so with Twin Linked PLasma, Shield Gen and FNP

    TROOPS (all squads with Shasui and Bonding Knives)
    -12 Fire wars with Markerlight and Pulse Rifles
    -12 Fire Wars With Pulse Rilfles
    -8 Fire Wars with Pulse Carbines
    -8 Fire Wars with Pulse Carbines
    -6 Fire Wars with Pulse Rifles
    -6 Fire Wars with Pulse Rifles

    -3 Crisis Suits with Twin Linked Plasmas

    -3 Crisis Suits with Plasmas, Mtrackers, Fusion Blasters

    -6 Drones

    -6 Pathfinders with 3 rail rifles

    -Devilfish, Obscured Target

    -Hammerhead with Ion Cannon, Mtracker, Smart Missile, Obscured

    -3 Broadsides with Advanced Stable Systems, Target Locks

  2. Best Tau game ever. The 2v2 with Orks on my team doesnt count lol

  3. mainly because you were 300 pts. over
