Saturday, April 10, 2010

Space Wolves and Blood Angels vs. Orks

1250/1250 vs. 2500 Orks

Orks played by Susmita!

Chris takes BA and SW run by their usual fearless leader.

The mission called for table to be split into triangles, the Orks taking the defensive deployment, the SW/BA arriving from reserves from corners.

Orks concede at 1 objective to none by the end.

Apparently I am utterly disgusted by the amount of Orks on this table (per my face)

SW Rhino turned bunker convenient fits between two items of difficult terrain...

The Green Tide - the SW bring more rhinos in on the opposite corner

The Blood Angel's Assault Troops arrive to back up their Drop Poded Dread. That's a Death Company Dread - now with 50% more wounds! Thanks to Blood Talons.

Stormboyz: Uh oh, we fail killin' da humie wagon it pops out mean wolves

Scouts also come in to support the Grey Hunters who vacated their rhino.

Drawn by rage, the Feel no pain Orks swallow up the Long Fangs in the bottom right corner - however they also have been effectively lured out of play.

BA assault Marines eventual finish off the top squad of boys while the green tide overwhelms their battle brothers within the ruins. The Death Company Dread would go on to show us all how nasty Blood Talons actually are.


  1. You gotta love Chris. He dumps a million photos and leaves it up to me to at words.
