Diversifying here.

Battle missions - Annihilation was the goal
Tau Army List - Farsight Enclave Tau(First box in Comments)
Space Wolf Army List
Logan Grimnar
Njal Stormcaller
Wolf Guard Battel Leader: Frostblade, Meltabombs and Saga of the Hunter.
Wolf Priest
5 Wolf Scout: Meltagun and meltabombs
14 Blood Claws
Wolf Guard: PF
4 Wolf Guard Terminators: SB and PW (2), TH and SS (1), and Dual WCs (1)
Land Raider
Land Raider Crusader
6 Long Fangs: 2 HBs, 3 MM
Wolf Guard: TDA, CML, SB, and WC w/drop Pod
Summary (adapted from Rob's point of view given via email)
Turn 1
SW failed 80% of 2+ saves on turn one resulting in the death of Logan and the WG with CML (along with 6 LFs), but the bomb got a Hammerhead and an 8 man FW. Then, that same turn Tau blew up SW LR Crusader and killed 3 or 4 BCs.
Turn 2
BC shoot and killed 4 out of 6 pathfinder. Tau turn 2 wiped out half the BCs and caused a may not move or shoot on the LR.
Turn 3
Saw the WP charge 3 crisis suits killing one and the BC charging and killing the pathfinders. Bill's turn three saw all BC wiped out minus the WG with PF.
Turn 4
Wolf Scouts turned up but on the wrong side of the board. Njal comes out and gets chained lighting. This rule is devastating. Wipes out over two squads of FW who break. Kills one Tau HQ (commander), and does other damage to about 3 or 4 other squads. Njal and terms charge farsight and he kills 3 but gets a hammer to the face for his toubles. WP wipes out rest of crisis suits and WG with PF smashes 2 out of 3 suits from another squad. A super turn for the wolves considering I could not accomplish much before that.
Game called after turn 4 due to time. Neither side was wiped as per the objectives of the battle mission, therefore the game was considered a tie.
Heavy Bolter [Relentless]Powerfist, bolt pistol [Fleet]Power weapon, bolt pistol [Furious Charge]Plasmagun2x Storm Bolters (which now that I think of it, I pretty much forgot to roll 2 die for these half the first game)
Powerweapon, bolt pistol sarge [Furious charge]Plasmagun [FNP]1x Regular BikeAttack Bike, one game Heavy Bolter [Skilled Rider], one game with Multi Melta [Counter Charge]
1250/1250 vs. 2500 Orks
Orks played by Susmita!
Chris takes BA and SW run by their usual fearless leader.
The mission called for table to be split into triangles, the Orks taking the defensive deployment, the SW/BA arriving from reserves from corners.
Orks concede at 1 objective to none by the end.
Apparently I am utterly disgusted by the amount of Orks on this table (per my face)
SW Rhino turned bunker convenient fits between two items of difficult terrain...
The Green Tide - the SW bring more rhinos in on the opposite corner
The Blood Angel's Assault Troops arrive to back up their Drop Poded Dread. That's a Death Company Dread - now with 50% more wounds! Thanks to Blood Talons.
Stormboyz: Uh oh, we fail killin' da humie wagon it pops out mean wolves
Scouts also come in to support the Grey Hunters who vacated their rhino.
Drawn by rage, the Feel no pain Orks swallow up the Long Fangs in the bottom right corner - however they also have been effectively lured out of play.
BA assault Marines eventual finish off the top squad of boys while the green tide overwhelms their battle brothers within the ruins. The Death Company Dread would go on to show us all how nasty Blood Talons actually are.
2250 points | Ambush Battle Mission (KP)
Rob's Commentary:
Eldar were attackers. I [SW] seized the initiative (only need a 3 or less). SW won 6 to 4. But I did see a Avatar take a charge from 14 BCs and WG w/ PF and Wolf Priest. The Avatar man handled that squad. Any way it was dynamic and fun.