Sunday, December 19, 2010

M.O.B. of JRZYHAMMER take 1rst place at the Vorhees GW 1850 40k Tournament

Awww shit! This couldnt have gone any better.

On December 18th the GW in vorhees held an 1850 40k Singles(finally) tournament. Being that I was dying to play with my Dark Eldar in a tournament I painted it up and went on Down. It was a 3 game tournament played over the course of 9 hours give or take. After play testing my list against Rob and Bill and a few random dudes from the store I decided to make a few changes to allow for more Anti-Horde. I would also like to add that my list has none of the internet crap lists people are currently toting as the only way to win, I have no Wracks, No Trueborn, No venoms, No Voidraven Bombers, No webway, No bikes, No Hellions, No suped raiders, etc. I took what I had and made it work.

Here is my list

The KABAL of the Verum Nex (1850 Dark Eldar)

Succubus (w/ agonizer, haywire grenades)
Haemonculi(w/ Liquifier, venom Blade, deployed with Incubi)
Haemonculi(w/ Liquifier, venom blade, deployed with Wyches)
Haemonculi(w/ Hexrifle(which didnt do shit lol) with 20 man Warrior Squad)

7 Incubi in a Raider

Troops: (5 total for Objective purposes)
8 Wyches in Raider(Haywire grenades, hekatrix with agonizer, shardnet and impaler)
3 x 10 Warriors in raider (blaster and Splintercannon)
20 man warrior squad on foot(2 splinter cannons, 1 shredder)

None! FUCK IT!

2x Ravagers (3 Dark lances, Nightshield, FlickerField)
Razorwing Jetfighter( 2 Disintegrators, 1 Splinter cannon, 4 Monoscythe missles, Nightshield, Flickerfield)

1850 on the nose. The idea is to protect my wyches, incubi and large warrior squads with Feel No Pain, and to use everything else to lay down suppressing fire power and actually force the enemy to me if possible, a definately different Dark Eldar play style. So without further ado here are the mission by memory.

MISSION 1 Pitched Battle Anihilation
(Oh great kill points, Im running 18, I knew this was gonna be the hardest mission for me and lets see who my opponent is...TAU with 9 broadsides!!! This Should turn out well)

My opponent was a kid named Gage who was a good player and plenty nice.

His List from Memory:
9 Broadsides all with option to shoot different stuff and shield drones
2x3 Crisis suits with different weapons and 3 shield drones
12 man Fire warrior on foot
16 man kroot
16 man kroot outflanking
HQ with 2 or 3 Suit bodyguard with like 6 shield drones

OK so this was a pretty hard counter to my list for a kill point mission considering he auto pens all my raiders with his broadsides. So I decided to try something out and only deployed my 20 man warrior squad in cover and reserve everything else to deny his shooting for a few rounds. He deploys everything with Broadsides at the table edge spread out, warriors in cover on my left flank, all crisis team towards the middle ready to come at me(tee hee) and kroot in some woods. I roll for initiative and steal it!!! pointless lol. The game evolved into me turboboosting on making some good cover saves, and then sending my incubi and wyches into his lines and wiping him out. My incubi accounted for Both kroot squads, his HQ and a Broad Side team, My Wyches killed a Fire Warrior squad and a Broad side team, the rest of his army died to focused fire power from the rest of my army. I ended up tabling him in the last turn giving me Max Points.

That was close and I got pretty lucky on this one and He did get 7 kill points on me, he only had 10 but I got the wipeout so it didnt matter. Im really glad I went with a Null deployement otherwise he would have just wiped me out.

At this point we went to lunch, I was happy, and talked to a guy name Tom who me and bill played in our doubles tournament that we won, hes a pretty good blood angel player who tabled a dark eldar player in his first game.

MISSION 2 Spearhead and 3 objectives in the center of the board of each third of the table. Looked like Orion's Belt.

My opponent was a guy named Steve(who as it turns out runs the Tyranid Hive forum under the name Auxellion(I thought shit this will be tough)) He told me he was taking a fun list and wasnt bringing the full pain, and I believed him.

His List:
Tyranid Prime(Lash whip, Bonesword, Scything talons)
2x3 Hive Guard
3 Zoanthropes
30 Guants
1 Tervigon
2 Tyrannofex's
2 Carnifexes with devourers

OK not the most viscious tyranid list ive seen but with a hell of alot of shooting! I got to deploy first so I chose to deploy near the center with my 20 man unit and with my raiders and everything else behind them grabbing cover in the off chance the intiative was wasnt. OK so the 3 turns of the game was me staying still and shooting his guants because of his lack of troops, and holding the center and left objective. He shuffled into position for letting loose at my raiders. He took down some raiders but it didnt matter as much since I was in a good position to begin with. Turn 4 I went full throttle sending the wyches at the 2 carnifexs lol which they wiped out, and proceeded to run, kill a tyrannofex(Damn agonizers are awesome) and then go after the objective the tervigon was sitting on(they killed the tervigon) while everywhting else poured fire into whatever he had left and my Incubi killed his Tyranid Prime. This game me a massacre as he had nothing left on the table and due to my positioning I had all 3 objectives!

Wow that went well, He was a great opponent(and previous tournamets winner) so I was very cautios at first since I knew quite well what that list can do, but I played the distance game sitting just outside his Hive guards range so I could retain my mobility. MVP goes to the Wyches for taking down 4 tyranid MC's on foot and running to get that 3rd objective. (the 3D6 choose highest combat drug I rolled helped immensely.

OK so at this point I'm in the running for 1rst with 2 massacres and full points for all 3 objectives as well(and I didnt play 1 IG or ORK YAY!) The Dude tom had also massacred his opponent last game so I knew he was also in the running for first and I think a few other players.

MISSION 3 Pitched battle 4 Objectives that all scatter 4D6 off the center.(a little odd)

My opponent was the dude Tom who I was talking too. Yeah this was gonna be a fight and I was ready to win as I already tabled 2 people so far and have a vendetta against blood angels thanks to rob.

His list(which I thought was pretty nasty and he beat down a Khorne player last round lol)

Chaplain with goodies(deployed with death company in rhino)
1 sanguinary priest
1 Blood talon Dread (in drop pod)
1 death company dread(in drop pod)
1 tac squad with melta and lascannon in rhino
8 man death company in rhino
1 tac squad with missle launcher and flamer in drop pod
1 10 man Assualt squad with 2 meltas, power fist (with sang priest)
1 5 man Missle launcher squad
1 Vindicator

Turn 1:
OK so This was gonna be a good one cause I knew he was coming at me full speed...excellent as It gets the blood letting begin from the start. I deployed first and put everything in a cautious way or outta sight. He deployed the death rhino and vindicator on my right and a devastator squad and tactical squad on my left. Everything else was coming in reserve or drop pods. He did not steal the initiative so I went first and decided to try and do maximum damage before them damn dreadnoughts hit my lines. My razowing let loose on his devastaors wiping them out(phew they coulda ruined my day). I also destoyed his tac squad rhino forcing him to foot slogg it. His turn he dropped both dreadnoughts right in the middle of my lines, one to the left to take out my razorwing(which i didnt care as it did its job). They knocked a dissie off my razorwing and shot down a warrior raider. His vidicator moved up and shot but just stunned a warrior raider. His deathcompany also moved up with the vindicator on my right. Ok not too bad, now its my turn.

Turn 2:
I started off by moving and shuffling around to get my shots on the dread in the middle of my army and that damn vindicator as these had to be destroyed. I also disembarked my wyches as a precaution incase the had to use their haywire grenades. My raiders shuffled around towards far objective and grabbed cover but still allowed me to shoot with their blasters. Shooting I blew up the vindicator(NICE) and the Dreadnought(NICER) and my wyches charged his drop pod and blew it up with haywire grenades.(also awesome) OK that went as it should but there still is a dreadnought with FLEET(lol, seriously) close to my stuff, lets see what he can do. His turn starts off with His drop pod tacs coming in to my right, on an objective, and his assault squad with sang priest on my left(a little too close to my wyches mwahaha). He blows up a raider or 2 and his dread charges a warrior squad and wipes them out. All in all not too much damage done but now I'm primed for a massive counter attack.

Turn 3:
The Incubi disembark to the tac marines, my warriors shuffle around away from the dread and my wyches go after his assault squad. Shooting sees me immoblize the dreadnought(YES! its just as good as killing it) kill some tac marines from his back squad and shoot some other shit. Assault my Incubi slaughter the tac marines but he survives with 3 marines left(ooo this aint good as his death company with chappy is gonna come kick my ass(which is fine cause its away from an objective, nothing is sacred, incubi are just as expendable as a warrior tee hee)). My wyches kill some assault marines and they get some wyches back, the combat is a draw. His turn he shoots some stuff and starts to run towards objective with his back tac squad. His deathcompany hops out and charges into incubi combat and combat is a draw with both sides taking casualties.

Turn 4:
OK hes whittling down and I have some good combats, Time to start moving towards far 2 objectives, kill his last troops and then hope to get all objectives. Shooting sees me blow up rhino, tac marine drop pod, kill some tac marines. Just gotta keep on him. In combat i kill the sang priest and a few marines, he kills a few back and its a draw(but with no more feel no pain hes gonna die next round) and incubis die, kill some deathcompany, but I'm losing this one but not yet. His turn he kills incubi, wyches win. He consolidates with his chaplain and 1 death company is left.

Turn 5:
I got this game, time to go for the Tabling and Objectives. I do some shuffling to get all 4 objectives, shoot the shit outta his chaplain(who survives and goes on to wipe out my 20 man squad lol) I kill his last tac squad. He has a chaplain, and immoblilised dread and a drop pod left.

turn 6 + 7:
Tom was a great opponent and even though he knew he lost he said we could keep playing to see if I could get the wipeout for tourney points(which tho are the rules, he was a gracious opponent to do this and I thank him). Turn 6 + 7 I complete the tabling and get all 4 objectives!

Wow that was a good game and I was able to take it. So after this game I have successfully gotten as many points as possible for Kill points, and have held all 7 objectives in the tourney for their points and TABLED every opponent I fought(TABLED = wiped out their entire army to a man). Mike announced the winners and I had a perfect score won 1rst place overall! HOLY SHIT I say, I knew my army was pretty good, I did not realize its full potential and thankfully it showed it on the day that mattered at the tourney lol.

I wanna thank Bill and Rob for playing practice games with me to help me fine tune the deadly blade that is my army. Hopefully you guys will join the next one so I can whoop you there LOL j/k.

Looks like JRZYHAMMER is gonna start making a name for itself.