Monday, November 22, 2010

Master of the Deathwing

So I finally got around to modeling an actual Belial with lightning claws - which is the format I typically use him in. I decided upon using the Space Hulk model I picked up on ebay as the base for Belial, it had a significant amount of embellishments, so I thought it worked. The model was constructed mostly of adding some DA bits (shoulderpads, banner, sword, etc.) but I did try out some greenstuffing skills with creating a cape for him.

The only con of this Space Hulk mini is that it's helmeted and many characters are usually presented in an unhelmeted pose. I didn't want to remove the helmet though, as the Space Hulk minis are so well sculpted with detail, I didn't feel right chopping it up any further (the left arm had to be sliced up as it was part of the mold). But that's okay, Belial didn't rise to the ranks of Master of the Deathwing by charging into the fray without the proper protection... okay, maybe he did back when he was Master of the 3rd Company, but now he's much more careful...

I also had a chance to more or less finish up painting some DA Vets, still need to paint the bases though. Here is the progress with them. The armor highlights never seem to pop very well in photos, but I swear they are there - I use a mix of DA green/snot green for the first highlight than straight snot green and occasionally I'll add some white to snot green for a third layer of highlighting.