Monday, July 19, 2010

Dark Angels vs. Dark Eldar

It was very dark. Grim dark.

2000 points
IG Battle Mission: War of Attrition
Table halves deployment, recycling units - troops only, victory points
Final in 5 rounds: DA victory - 1415 DA to 1305 DE

Dark Angel List

Belial, Apoth

Ven Dread
5 Vets w/Razorback

2 x DW Terminators
2 x Tactical Marines- one with rhino

Devs - 2 ML, 2 HB

Dark Eldar List
I'll let Mike fill in the blanks if he gets a chance, but he noted that it was more or less what he used against Bill's daemons. 6 Troops in all, 2x Witches, Bikes with 2+ Invul Lord., and a couple terminator-killing heavy support choices.

DE played the role of IG, so they went first and per mission rules were allowed to deploy at the half field line - DE were already assaulting in turn one - YES, turn one - not good for DA's devastators, who never fired a shot. It was a bloody day from the start.

Witches unloaded some nasty attacks bolstered by a slew of warriors, popping drugs as they went. The whirlwind earned it's points back from the get go, halving a unit of warriors (the one unit with like 4 dark lances mind you) and sending them falling back, unable to regroup. Though tied up in combat, Devs managed to stay along for a round or so with the help of some counter attacks. Chunks of both armies were fighting bloody combats almost from the start - and the Dark Eldar would have it no other way.

Belial finally succumbed, he and his squad held combat for at least a couple rounds but the DE lord ripped into what was left of the squad with abandon - even taking a wound from ODing on his combat drugs.

With the Devastator's heavy weapons silenced from the start, the terminators were forced to play anti-armor with their CMLs. Two squads of terminators recycled near DE heavies, their CMLs only manage to down one however - which would turn out to be a grave mistake. The other heavy earned vengeance by decimating one squad down to a man, with two squads of warriors finishing the job - an easy 245 pts. (the warriors had recycled as well, basically right next to the terminators).

The game ended in 5. Had it gone on, it looked like it would have turned back towards the DE's favor. The DA simply had a stellar bottom of the 5th, finishing off a handful of units, mostly transports and witches along with some warriors with a multitude of small arms. The DA also did not lose a single vehicle. Another round probably would have seen two go down, but the DE had focused so much lance fire on the Dread, the other vehicles just sat pretty.

The Dread (or more specifically Mike's poor Dark lance rolling) would probably be the DA's MVP - simply due to the giant target on his back. Also noteworthy, one lone tactical sarge who survived the whole game - the DE had sought to deny the DA another recycled troop, so this sarge was left to hurl himself at transports with no avail. The tactic backfired in the end however, as if he had been downed, the DE would have earned another 175 pts., and the win.

All in all, a fun and close game.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Upcoming game - Chaos Daemons versus Dark Eldar 2000 pts

Oh right.. I forgot there's an army that can hit at the same times as me (and also has to pay a shitload of points to actually get ranged power... and only have 5+ saves).

Might play Thursday if I'm able (getting route canal done). If not, sometime next week. I had fun my last game but I definitely think this matchup will be more straight forward, mostly due to the fact that by turn 2 we both will want to blow our loads (and this time not on Robs back). Aside from the normal breaks we take, this game will go pretty quickly I'd imagine.

FINAL SCORE: 10-7 Mike wins

Deathwing Sergeant #3

Finally finished a third sergeant (and most of his squad). Need a break from bone white armor, probably move on to doing some power armored Vets in their dainty little robes.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Daemons vs Eldar Test Game - 1500 pts

End Result: Test game called in End of Turn 4. Eldar wins 2-1 and get their temporary Revenge against the daemons of Chaos. Game time about 3 1/2 hours.

Eldar army list

HQ - Elrond (surprise, surprise!)
Elite - 10 Striking Scorpions w/Exarch, powerfist, shadowstrike, etc
Troops - 10 guardians w/ warlock and bright lance
2 x 10 Dire Avengers (one with bladestorm in wave serpent, other with shimmershield and defend)
5 pathfinders
Fast - 6 swooping hawks w/talon thing
Heavy - wraithlord w/star cannon and wraithsword
5 dark reapers

Daemons army list
HQ - Gayness
Elite - Gays
Troops - "Gaze" x3

(Nice try jerk, better get used to my armies being listed by Force 1 and 2)

Force One
(Chosen to Make a Daemonic Assault. I prayed to the chaos Gods by rolling one D6. On a roll of 3-6 the Gods agree and this Force comes in first. On a roll of 1-2 the Gods fuck me over and Force 2 comes in. Of course, I roll a 2)

Keeper of Secrets with Unholy Might, Pavane of Slaanesh
Herald of Slaanesh with Pavane Of Slaanesh, Icon of Chaos
6 Nurglings
Daemon Prince with Mark of SLaanesh, Unholy Might, Daemonic Gaze
Daemon Prince with Mark of SLaanesh, Unholy Might, Daemonic Gaze

Force Two
(Aka Force I Needed To Come In Second Not FIrst)
20 Daemonettes
10 Daemonettes
4 Flamers of Tzetnch
2 Fiends of Slaanesh
Herald of Slaanesh with Pavane of Slaanesh, Icon of CHaos attatched to a unit of 8 Daemonettes

ELdar and Daemons will fight again. For there are so many of us... and so few of you! SLUTS ATTACK! Fleet,Rend , Happyface!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My CHaos Daemons Part two

9 Daemonettes
Red/Purple style
Harem #2

18 Daemonettes
Harem #1


My Chaos Daemons part One

So as you all may know, I started my third army; Chaos Daemons, geared (with a very few exceptions) towards the worship of Slaanesh. I have to say, this army is probly the most fun and easy to paint. I cant wait to test play them! Enjoy!
Keeper of Secrets (Greater Daemon of Slaanesh)
Scattered decapitated heads of Space Marines, IGuard, Tau.

The Masque of Slaanesh
Everybody DANCE!!!

Heralds of Slaanesh

Herald of Slaanesh
Red/Purple design