Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Upcoming game - Chaos Daemons versus Dark Eldar 2000 pts

Oh right.. I forgot there's an army that can hit at the same times as me (and also has to pay a shitload of points to actually get ranged power... and only have 5+ saves).

Might play Thursday if I'm able (getting route canal done). If not, sometime next week. I had fun my last game but I definitely think this matchup will be more straight forward, mostly due to the fact that by turn 2 we both will want to blow our loads (and this time not on Robs back). Aside from the normal breaks we take, this game will go pretty quickly I'd imagine.

FINAL SCORE: 10-7 Mike wins


  1. This should be an interesting one. If you play Thursday, maybe I can make it by for a looksie.

  2. yea should be a good one. ill text ya and let ya know for sure
