Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chaos Updates: Terminators and Bikers!

Diversifying here.
I'm amazed at how easy Terminators are to build and paint.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


@ Susmita, per the code, the path to this image, "moz-screenshot-1.png", leads to the filel saved locally on your computer. Unfortunately, this will not work for us - though it may for you - as we can not access your local files. In short, the image source is wrong and you might want to try this again.

Ed, Director of Cleaning Shit Up

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Which should I use for my lib dred

Lib dred

"You Decide" Thread - Interesting Idea

The scenario is set for Tau vs. Black Templar

It's actually an "educational" game, where the poster is drawing tactics from the B&C community and implementing the best of them in this mock match. He's done a nice job of illustrating the game with his battle maps and notes that "actual dice rolls will be used", but he may "adjust dice rolls that make the game more educational."

I've barely touched on the meat of the thread, but if you skip around to the battle maps and the brief summaries under them, you can get the gist of what's going on.

Black Templars are quite divergent from a typical Space Marine army with only a precursory glance, but they are Marine's in the end and use similar units and mostly identical vehicles, so this should be good considering the amount of SM players we have. I thought it might also lend some insight for Billy as Tau, or at the very least maybe another interesting army list to consider. I imagine it could be valuable to everyone else as well to see how these two armies could handle particular situations.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kill Team [part deux]

Daemonhunters vs Space Bawls
{{sorry no pics}}

Kill Team 1 - DH
10 Storm Troopers
2 w/plasma
1 Inquisitor w/power armour, psy cannon, power weapon, bolt pistol

Kill Team 2 - SW
6 Grey Hunters 1 w/plasma, 1 with MOTW,
Lone Wolf w/TDA, TH/SS

DH WIN; Rob failed leadership

Kill Team 2 - DH
6 Grey Knights 1 psycannon, 1 Justicar

Kill Team 2 - SW

SW Win, DH wiped out

Kill Team 3 - DH
3 Terminators
Brother Captain

Kill Team 3 - SW

DH Win; leadership failed

Ed - I'm digging these small games

[sorry Susmita, all the white space around your little picture was annoying me. It had to be deleted. Love, Ed]

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tau vs Space Wolves

Battle missions - Annihilation was the goal

Tau Army List - Farsight Enclave Tau(First box in Comments)

Space Wolf Army List
Logan Grimnar
Njal Stormcaller
Wolf Guard Battel Leader: Frostblade, Meltabombs and Saga of the Hunter.
Wolf Priest

5 Wolf Scout: Meltagun and meltabombs

14 Blood Claws
Wolf Guard: PF
4 Wolf Guard Terminators: SB and PW (2), TH and SS (1), and Dual WCs (1)

Land Raider
Land Raider Crusader
6 Long Fangs: 2 HBs, 3 MM
Wolf Guard: TDA, CML, SB, and WC w/drop Pod

Summary (adapted from Rob's point of view given via email)

Turn 1
SW failed 80% of 2+ saves on turn one resulting in the death of Logan and the WG with CML (along with 6 LFs), but the bomb got a Hammerhead and an 8 man FW. Then, that same turn Tau blew up SW LR Crusader and killed 3 or 4 BCs.

Turn 2
BC shoot and killed 4 out of 6 pathfinder. Tau turn 2 wiped out half the BCs and caused a may not move or shoot on the LR.

Turn 3
Saw the WP charge 3 crisis suits killing one and the BC charging and killing the pathfinders. Bill's turn three saw all BC wiped out minus the WG with PF.

Turn 4
Wolf Scouts turned up but on the wrong side of the board. Njal comes out and gets chained lighting. This rule is devastating. Wipes out over two squads of FW who break. Kills one Tau HQ (commander), and does other damage to about 3 or 4 other squads. Njal and terms charge farsight and he kills 3 but gets a hammer to the face for his toubles. WP wipes out rest of crisis suits and WG with PF smashes 2 out of 3 suits from another squad. A super turn for the wolves considering I could not accomplish much before that.

Game called after turn 4 due to time. Neither side was wiped as per the objectives of the battle mission, therefore the game was considered a tie.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kill Team Night: Eldar, Space Wolves, Dark Angels

We played a handful of these games which are restricted to 200 points, 0-1 Troop, 0-1 Fast, 0-1 Elite on a cover heavy, reduced size game board. You get to assign three different universal rules to three different members of your team [marked in brackets below]. No coherency is needed and each model is treated individually as far as targeting goes. You also have to take Ld. test once you loose half your number in which your leadership falls each subsequent round.

Eldar Kill Team
5 Shining Spears - one being an Exarch [Scout, FNP, Skilled Rider]
*Jetbikes with Laser Lance (which is also a power weapon) and Shuriken Cannons

Space Wolf Kill Team
5 Grey Hunters - one mark of the wulfen [Furious charge], one with plasmagun [FNP]
Lone Wolf - TDA (terminator armor), TH/SS [Fleet]
*His badass has a 2+ save and a 3+ invulnerable save. WTF!?!?

Dark Angel Kill Teams (I used two different teams)
Kill Team Alpha - 6 man Veteran Squad:
Heavy Bolter [Relentless]
Powerfist, bolt pistol [Fleet]
Power weapon, bolt pistol [Furious Charge]
2x Storm Bolters (which now that I think of it, I pretty much forgot to roll 2 die for these half the first game)

Kill Team Beta - 3 Ravenwing Bikers with Attack Bike:
Powerweapon, bolt pistol sarge [Furious charge]
Plasmagun [FNP]
1x Regular Bike
Attack Bike, one game Heavy Bolter [Skilled Rider], one game with Multi Melta [Counter Charge]

Outcome for the night (W-L)
2-0, Space Wolves
2-1, Eldar (playing DA twice and SW once)
0-3, Dark Angels : ( The SW match came down to who failed their Ld. test first - I finally failed on a roll of 6.

Brief Summaries -

Game One: Eldar vs. DA Alpha
The first turn was uneventful as the Eldar turbo boosted for position and flanked the DA Veterens followed by a crappy shooting from the DA. Subsequent rounds saw the Powerfist Vet fall just before his comrades were able to down a Shining Spear in shooting. The Power weaponed Vet with Furious charge was able to match the Eldar initiative and take another but not before it's power weapon also cleaved him in half. Having fast moving power weapons proved to be an awesome combination as they eventually cut down the rest of the squad. Da made the mistake of deploying out of cover thinking it would hinder their movement but in reality, against a unit that can turboboost, you might as well wait for them.

Game Two: Eldar vs. DA Beta (Attack Bike w/HB [Skilled Rider])
The DA were definitely on more equal footing this time around in terms of speed and toughness however once the Spears got into them with those power weapons, it was over. The Bikes managed to down a couple before they were into them. To add insult to injury, the Plasma gunner rolled a 1, 2 and 3 for Gets Hot!. Thats right, he failed the armor save AND the Feel No Pain he was given. In a game were every body counts, that just was unacceptable.

Game Three: Space Wolves vs. DA Beta (Attack Bike w/MM [Count charge])
DA bikers against the wolves saw their mobility shine as the Grey Hunters and their TDA Lone Wolf were left walking (Lone Wolf had Fleet). DA played keep away from Lone wolf and chipped away at hit Grey Wolves in cover - very shoddy save rolling in this case. This game eventually came down to simply who would fail their leadership test first. SW had 1-2 Grey Hunters left by the end along with the Lone Wolf which one biker managed to wound in combat before he was pulverized by his thunder hammer. DA lost on a roll of a 6 with the Attack bike and Sarge still standing (or riding).

Game Four: Space Wolves vs. Eldar
SW started out mostly in the same deployment as the previous game. Shooting proved ineffective for the Shining Spears and a couple of them ate it in assault. This was another that came down to leadership tests. With one Spear left, it was easy enough to turbo boost out of range and behind cover to wait it out. Unfortunately the Eldar failed their very next test and that was the end of it. Space Wolves pull of a second win due to opponents failed leadership.

Overall, Mobility is definitely a key factor in Kill Team missions and both Rob and I agreed that 5 Shining Spears with Exarch may be on of the best units for it, despite their loss to the wolves - which in my opinion Susmita may have rushed to assault too quick. Speed, high initiative, and those power weapons are a great combo. If you don't have mobility, cover can be your friend (or even if you are fast, use it by turbo boosting and such).

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blood Angels Rhino

Base 35 points
/////// ------ CORRECTION 90 POINTS!
Search lights 1 point... WTF SERIOUSLY?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Space Wolves and Blood Angels vs. Orks

1250/1250 vs. 2500 Orks

Orks played by Susmita!

Chris takes BA and SW run by their usual fearless leader.

The mission called for table to be split into triangles, the Orks taking the defensive deployment, the SW/BA arriving from reserves from corners.

Orks concede at 1 objective to none by the end.

Apparently I am utterly disgusted by the amount of Orks on this table (per my face)

SW Rhino turned bunker convenient fits between two items of difficult terrain...

The Green Tide - the SW bring more rhinos in on the opposite corner

The Blood Angel's Assault Troops arrive to back up their Drop Poded Dread. That's a Death Company Dread - now with 50% more wounds! Thanks to Blood Talons.

Stormboyz: Uh oh, we fail killin' da humie wagon it pops out mean wolves

Scouts also come in to support the Grey Hunters who vacated their rhino.

Drawn by rage, the Feel no pain Orks swallow up the Long Fangs in the bottom right corner - however they also have been effectively lured out of play.

BA assault Marines eventual finish off the top squad of boys while the green tide overwhelms their battle brothers within the ruins. The Death Company Dread would go on to show us all how nasty Blood Talons actually are.

Monday, April 5, 2010


SCARY FACE + Slaanesh Marking

Oh look, Blood Angel and Tau heads. I'm equal opportunity, I kill my own guys.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

SW vs Eldar

2250 points | Ambush Battle Mission (KP)

Rob's Commentary:

Eldar were attackers. I [SW] seized the initiative (only need a 3 or less). SW won 6 to 4. But I did see a Avatar take a charge from 14 BCs and WG w/ PF and Wolf Priest. The Avatar man handled that squad. Any way it was dynamic and fun.