This particularly distant warband of Chaos Marines have no known homeworld. Believing that life upon a surface-world only makes targets of it's keepers, the Daemonologist warband chooses to forever remain within the Warp; appearing randomly as the daemonsof Chaos themselves do... attacking with absolute and unholy speed. The Daemonologist armies themselves are virtually always lead by at least one Daemon Prince if not two. However it has been verified that Lucius the Eternal himself seldomly appeared in battle against various xeno-assaults in recent documented years.
Warriors of every Chaos creed have come to swear fealty to the way of the Daemonologist. Many who battled this warband reported facing unmarked 'Nurgle Marines' (Plague Marines) as well as traitor Bezerker Marines who had etched or burned off their marks of Khorne in worship of Slaanesh. Some reported facing a number of Tzentch-blessed Sorcerers and small units of Thousand Suns; an army that used deadly magic and stood invulnerable to harm. Others reported facing a barrage of Noise Marines and Slaanesh-blessed Daemon Princes; an army that used their magic to torment rather than destroy outwardly... inebriating and manipulating their opposition and striking at the most devesdating moment. After greater numbers of reported Daemonologist attacks, it was indefinitely concluded that this warband was patronized above all by the god Slaanesh.
Aside from their considerable firepower the Daemonologists are almost always flanked by
harems of lesser Daemonettes of Slaanesh; appearing from thing air, mutilating while screaming and laughing in absolute depravity.
Lucius the Eternal 160
2 Daemon Prince 220
Chaos Sorcerer Lord in Terminator Armor 115
7 Plague Marines 161
11 Khorne Berzerkers 231
8 Thousand Suns 184
- Aspiring Sorcerer 60
Defiler 150
2 Rhino 70
30 Summoned Lesser Daemons 390
24 Noise Marines 480
Land Raider 220
4 Bikers 132
10 Terminators 30
10 havocs 150
3 Obliterators 225