Anywho, here are the details from this past Friday's 2v2 match, a trial run for Bill and Rob's tournament next month.
2000 points (1000 from each player)
Dawn of War
Kill Points
Outcome: 5 to 3 Team Burnt Hand (on account of tournament time being up - I believe it was turn 5).
Team Burnt Hand
Tau Army List
HQ, Bunch o' suits, some floaty tanks, and a handful of funny little gray men. Mike will have to elaborate because the air in that room had me not paying much attention.
Dark Angel Army List
5 Deathwing Terminators with a CML
2 x 10 Man Tactical sqauds (one with plasma, one with melta) + Rhinos
10 Man Devastators, 2 ML, 2 PC
Team Horrible Rolling
Daemon Army List
2 Chariots
2 squads of 3 Flamers each
Mob of Deamonettes (not sure on the exact number)
10 (or 12) Plaugebearers
Soul Grinder
Space Wolf Army List
2 Runepriests
2 Sqauds of 10 Grey Hunters with all the fixins (Mark of Wolfen and such), in Rhinos
A slew of Long Fangs with enough fire power to level a mountain yet could not hit the broadside of a broadside
Team BH goes first, choosing not to deploy anything. Team Bad Rolling does the same. Most of both sides armies, excluding the deep striking daemons and Terminators held in reserve, walk on first turn. In the first turn the Plasma cannon wielding Dark Angels do a bit of running to get into position with the bunker (seen below in the 2nd picture). No targets bring the bottom of the first.
Bunch of Wolves walk on and their Long Fangs grab cover in another bunker. A unit of Plaguebearers plops down midfield. Flamers, Chariot and Soul Grinder come in on strong side seen below. I believe runs made for a quick bottom of turn 1 as well as position was more critical than drawing first blood.
Turn 2, Terminators walk in behind Rhinos to grab cover, CML Terminator takes point to throw some missiles at the advancing Soul Grinder with no effect. Combined Devastator an Tau shooting widdles down some Plaguebearers as well as knocks a weapon off Mr. Grinder.
Bottom of 2 has Daemons closing in on the Dark Angel lines. A second chariot deep strikes within striking distance.
I spend quite a bit of time arranging dice.
Turn 3, Dark Angels move 12 in an attempt to sling some melta into Mr. Grinder... unfortunately, you just can't shoot molten hot gas at that speed.
The Tau manage to blow up the advancing Rhino seen below. Big boon, slowing Runepriest and his Space Barbarian brethren.
The Tau guns make up for the Dark Angels mistake by rendering Mr. Grinder immobilized and effectively a KP.
Dark Angels rapid fire Chariot #2 to death.
In turns 3-4, A squad of flamers is wiped out before the other squad melts the face of Dark Angel Tactical Sqaud 1, sending them falling back off the board. A Rhino is scuttled by Long Fang fire. Combined Tau and Devastator fire thinned the late showing Daemonettes down to one. Runepriest had little luck with his spells as well. The 2nd tactical squad squares up and sends some shots into the flamers than charge them along with the nearby Chariot. The Chariot holds on and the Dark Angels are counter charged by Grey Hunters and their Runepriest.
We finish the turn with the set tournament time running out and call the game at 5-3, Team BH. I think I got that mostly right...
KP Tally
Team BHSoul Grinder, 2x Flamers, Chariot, Rhino
Team Bad Rolling
2x Rhinos, Tactical Marines
Funny thing is, in the photo below, I'm pretty sure I wasn't saying anything like "we're number one" but rather "Chris stop taking friggin' pictures of me."