Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Proposed Campaign Guidelines

Just a few things I've been rattling around the ol brainpan today

1. Matches should be timed. Also, if everyone is unable to stay for the duration of the entire campaign, please tell us what time you need to jet .The first game took longer than the 2nd and 3rd combined and Rob was already trying to run out the door by turn 2 or 3 of the final game. . These games aren't for money or grudge matches, just play - don't overthink it let's just play please.

2. Since an ongoing Campaign is pretty much a fluff-based concept, it'd be nice to see diversity in our armies. I'm not saying we have to take bad units just for fluff's sake, but changing out one or two things and keeping the rest of your tournament or everyday list defeats the concept of a campaign completely. My idea of a fun campaign isn't coming up with test lists to send to their deaths against the same Decked out lists! Librarians, Lords, Captains, Chaplains, etc. Make it fluffy and interesting! Save your big guns and streamlined lists for when we play for blood!

3. I was pretty sure we all had an understanding as to the point system for our custom characters, but there are some things we need to iron out as a group. Here's what I propose
-Seargents, Aspiring Champions, Squad Leaders etc only get to roll on the chart. 
-No Independant Characters (or the Lone fucking Wolf - this guy already ruins enough playing experiences as is... you dont need to feed him new bonuses)
-When collectively selecting each person's MVP (if they have one), noteworthy things that make a squad leader eligable: destroying other units or vehicles, taking unusual/continuous punishment, accomplishing something epic/against the odds/hilarious/etc, SCORING (Linebreaker, First blood, Capture Objectives, etc)

This is just a start. And it's a friendly critique, I wanna make this game as fun as we can.


  1. 1. I don't want to be timed, sorry. We can just play less games. In fact, Mike may join in. Escalating 1250 + an additional player, lets just play 2 games a session. We already cut the games at 4 turns.

    2. I think Rob and I see it differently. The idea, at least for us, was a campaign in which you have a specific fighting force and those units take part in numerous battles.

    The escalation allows you to add new units while keeping the core units which your heroes are part of. I was actually curious to why your list was completely different but it worked fluff wise for me as Chaos having a larger force on the planet.

    If we have new lists every time, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of characters gaining bonuses? They need to be in every battle. All my units have names and I consider my list to be fluffy - I even took scouts and bikes in the last dex hen they stink because I wanted a recon force.

    Or are you thinking we should build a new list around the units that actually have characters with bonuses? I'm not sure about that. After a few sessions, once more characters have bonuses, it may be the same as what Rob and I are doing now, keeping a core and adding.

    3. I don't really care how we figure that out. I don't think there will be so many bonuses that it will matter that much. Rob had a nice solution he emailed me too. HQ can only ever have 1 bonus, characters limited to 2 and sergeant characters get 3 max. Your suggestion is fine too but I know Rob's army is at a disadvantage since his troops don't come stock with a character.

  2. I agree with #3 completely. No bonuses can go to special characters tho.

    Ed, your force was lead by a Librarian and had alot of stuff I've never seen you take. And I'm so down with getting O'Brien in on the campaign.

    I was thinking of a scenario where there is a 2v2 on a daemon world, and on every turn i spawn a unit of daemons (that I will randomly roll for each turn) and roll to see which opponent I have to attack at the start of that turn. Sure, you can shoot your opponent - but those Nurglings that just spawned in front of you and then ran in the opposite direction are much tastier,

  3. I'm just saying the biggest crutch to codex and tactic exploration in a campaign is redundancy. Once we actually name and declare some special characters (leader of Devesdator squad, terminator captain, etc) and fill out character sheets - itll get alot more forward.
