Revising the battle report for the 2s tourney at GW last Saturday. Will post in a day or so.
Games Workshop is having a contest for painting the new Daemon Prince model for the Daemons. Extra points for originality, customization etc. I've already see Mike's (the manager) Prince and if that's the standard than I'm golden. Deadline is the 28th.
In addition, with my kick-ass work at the last 2s tourney I am pleased to say that for the next 2v2 tournament I will officially be paired up with one Rob Mcclintock!We're already fine tuning our lists. That's right, I've broken him; the WOlves shall join me in another campaign of daring, danger and ddrrrrramaaaaa!
On a final note, I'd just like to thank our veteran players who never took it easy on me during our personal games. Starting out as Tau against long time players .. against Chaos Marines, Space Wolves and Orks; playing near impossible matches like this has sharpened me into a better player, i feel. There are so many pro players with WAY more popular armies than mine that were incapable of taking my doubles teams down, even in the worst situations. Between both 2v2 tournaments, the most myself and chris and me and mike lost by was one kill point against 2000 pts of orks and one objective when me and chris played the Nids/Daemon players. So... thanks for whipping me into shape, now if I could just get the god damn math commited to memory : /
I'm playing Rob on Saturday and I'm on vacation the week of Aug 30th. I'm gonna try to play as much 40k as I can. I need to try a bunch of Daemon army lists to fine-tune them