2500 points
Battle Mission: Fighting Withdraw

Rob's summary:
Mission had three objectives. Board was divided
in half from long board corner to opposite board corner (think two big
triangles) One objective in the center of the board. Second objective was
in Susmitas board corner and the third was in between the first and second
one. All objectives were in a line. Susmita rolled to represent the Tau so
all here Eldar got Hit and Run special rule. She deployed first and I had
first turn and everything was to move on from my edge.
Turn 1
SW: Moved everything on form board edge. BC and Dread moved up on my
extreme left flank along left board edge. 10 man GH on foot moved in
between the BC and rhinos. My rhions, vindicator, and TWC moved full speed
as the center of my line (the center of my line was still far left on the
board, my right flank was positioned about center table). LFs move onto a
hill in the center of my table. Scouts outflank.
Eldar: Susmita move half her army slightly forward DA in the WS turbo bust
to her left flank behind harlequins. DR kill half of LF unit 1. Falcon
destroys demolisher cannon off the vindicator.
Turn 2
SW: BC and Dread move up left flank. BC flame pathfinders but they live.
Foot GH move up. RP rhino and vindicator move up the center. GH rhino
breaks right. GH disembark and unload on harlequins killing 5 and breaking
them. Dread kills one wraithguard (WG). Rest of my shooting kills off
pathfinders. No scouts.
Eldar: Harlequins regroup. Consolidate 3 inches. Fleet and end up in charge
of the GH. They charge in and kill 5 GH but the GH wiped them out. DR kill
rest of LF unit 1. WG move up and destroy the RP rhino. Other units shoot
at the GH/RP and kill 4. Falcon blocks way of my vehicles and FD disembark
and explode the vindicator. Scorpions arrive on flank with BC and they
charge in. Scorpions kill 7 but are wiped out for there troubles. One GH
from the unit on foot gets killed. Susmita screens WG with Shining Spears
to protect them. Things look good for SW.
Turn 3
SW: BC roll snake eye for Difficult leaving them well behind rest of my
battle line. I run but get a 2. Dread kills 3 Shining Spears. GH on foot
wipeout rest of the Shining Spears. LFs destroy Dire Avengers WS. RP/GH
charge Falcon but do nothing. TWC finally charges. They kill only 3 FD. 5
man GH move up to secure objective harlequins were protecting. NO SCOUTS. I
needed them bad but things look good for SW again.
Eldar: DA bladestorm 5 man GH and kill all with my bad armour saves. Avatar
charge GH/RP and kills the 5 remaining GHs. RP wounds Avatar but fails
force weapon roll for the instant death. WG move up and kill 9 out of 9 GHs
and charge the WG and beat him to death in combat. I lost 3 out of 3 GH
squads. DR, guardians and wraithlord unload on TWC but I take the wounds
Turn 4
SW. Thunderlord detaches and charges guardians and he kills all but 2. TWC
goes back around to charge WG. BC finally get to where the actions is and
charges WG. Dread charges WG as well. WG kill all but WP, WG and 1 BC form
the huge BC squad. All the WG are wiped out. The warlock lives makes test
and then is able to HIt and Run leaving me ass out. Scouts arrive way too
late and they arrive on the board where no one is at. Closest enemy unit is
about 3 feet away.
Eldar: Falcon tries to kill rhino that is contesting objective but fails.
Avatar charges dread and does everthing but destroy it. Surviving warlocks
legs it back to second objective. Wraithlord shoots at TWC. I was not
paying attention. I had one more wound to give on a TWC. i did not realise
this and took it on a guy who had a wound already. I fail my save and fail
my leadership check. TWC fall back 15 inches (cavarly do 3D6). Thunderlord
kills remaining guardians.
Turn 5
SW: Thunderlord charges warlock and kills him. LF kill 3 DA. BCs charge
wraithlord and get wiped out. Avatar cant kill dread again. TWC is about a
quater inch in range next to the Falcon so flee. I roll a massive 16 inches
and they run off the board.
Eldar: DR shoot at Thunderlord and do no damage. Only 3 DA in range to
shoot LF but still kill half the unit. Avatar still cant kill dread. Falcon
cant destroy rhino. I roll a 3 and the game goes on.
Turn 6
LFs and scouts shoot and kill 4 DA. They fail their LD check. No more
troops left on the board so we call the game a tie.
Mission had three objectives. Board was divided
in half from long board corner to opposite board corner (think two big
triangles) One objective in the center of the board. Second objective was
in Susmitas board corner and the third was in between the first and second
one. All objectives were in a line. Susmita rolled to represent the Tau so
all here Eldar got Hit and Run special rule. She deployed first and I had
first turn and everything was to move on from my edge.
Turn 1
SW: Moved everything on form board edge. BC and Dread moved up on my
extreme left flank along left board edge. 10 man GH on foot moved in
between the BC and rhinos. My rhions, vindicator, and TWC moved full speed
as the center of my line (the center of my line was still far left on the
board, my right flank was positioned about center table). LFs move onto a
hill in the center of my table. Scouts outflank.
Eldar: Susmita move half her army slightly forward DA in the WS turbo bust
to her left flank behind harlequins. DR kill half of LF unit 1. Falcon
destroys demolisher cannon off the vindicator.
Turn 2
SW: BC and Dread move up left flank. BC flame pathfinders but they live.
Foot GH move up. RP rhino and vindicator move up the center. GH rhino
breaks right. GH disembark and unload on harlequins killing 5 and breaking
them. Dread kills one wraithguard (WG). Rest of my shooting kills off
pathfinders. No scouts.
Eldar: Harlequins regroup. Consolidate 3 inches. Fleet and end up in charge
of the GH. They charge in and kill 5 GH but the GH wiped them out. DR kill
rest of LF unit 1. WG move up and destroy the RP rhino. Other units shoot
at the GH/RP and kill 4. Falcon blocks way of my vehicles and FD disembark
and explode the vindicator. Scorpions arrive on flank with BC and they
charge in. Scorpions kill 7 but are wiped out for there troubles. One GH
from the unit on foot gets killed. Susmita screens WG with Shining Spears
to protect them. Things look good for SW.
Turn 3
SW: BC roll snake eye for Difficult leaving them well behind rest of my
battle line. I run but get a 2. Dread kills 3 Shining Spears. GH on foot
wipeout rest of the Shining Spears. LFs destroy Dire Avengers WS. RP/GH
charge Falcon but do nothing. TWC finally charges. They kill only 3 FD. 5
man GH move up to secure objective harlequins were protecting. NO SCOUTS. I
needed them bad but things look good for SW again.
Eldar: DA bladestorm 5 man GH and kill all with my bad armour saves. Avatar
charge GH/RP and kills the 5 remaining GHs. RP wounds Avatar but fails
force weapon roll for the instant death. WG move up and kill 9 out of 9 GHs
and charge the WG and beat him to death in combat. I lost 3 out of 3 GH
squads. DR, guardians and wraithlord unload on TWC but I take the wounds
Turn 4
SW. Thunderlord detaches and charges guardians and he kills all but 2. TWC
goes back around to charge WG. BC finally get to where the actions is and
charges WG. Dread charges WG as well. WG kill all but WP, WG and 1 BC form
the huge BC squad. All the WG are wiped out. The warlock lives makes test
and then is able to HIt and Run leaving me ass out. Scouts arrive way too
late and they arrive on the board where no one is at. Closest enemy unit is
about 3 feet away.
Eldar: Falcon tries to kill rhino that is contesting objective but fails.
Avatar charges dread and does everthing but destroy it. Surviving warlocks
legs it back to second objective. Wraithlord shoots at TWC. I was not
paying attention. I had one more wound to give on a TWC. i did not realise
this and took it on a guy who had a wound already. I fail my save and fail
my leadership check. TWC fall back 15 inches (cavarly do 3D6). Thunderlord
kills remaining guardians.
Turn 5
SW: Thunderlord charges warlock and kills him. LF kill 3 DA. BCs charge
wraithlord and get wiped out. Avatar cant kill dread again. TWC is about a
quater inch in range next to the Falcon so flee. I roll a massive 16 inches
and they run off the board.
Eldar: DR shoot at Thunderlord and do no damage. Only 3 DA in range to
shoot LF but still kill half the unit. Avatar still cant kill dread. Falcon
cant destroy rhino. I roll a 3 and the game goes on.
Turn 6
LFs and scouts shoot and kill 4 DA. They fail their LD check. No more
troops left on the board so we call the game a tie.
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