Sunday, December 19, 2010

M.O.B. of JRZYHAMMER take 1rst place at the Vorhees GW 1850 40k Tournament

Awww shit! This couldnt have gone any better.

On December 18th the GW in vorhees held an 1850 40k Singles(finally) tournament. Being that I was dying to play with my Dark Eldar in a tournament I painted it up and went on Down. It was a 3 game tournament played over the course of 9 hours give or take. After play testing my list against Rob and Bill and a few random dudes from the store I decided to make a few changes to allow for more Anti-Horde. I would also like to add that my list has none of the internet crap lists people are currently toting as the only way to win, I have no Wracks, No Trueborn, No venoms, No Voidraven Bombers, No webway, No bikes, No Hellions, No suped raiders, etc. I took what I had and made it work.

Here is my list

The KABAL of the Verum Nex (1850 Dark Eldar)

Succubus (w/ agonizer, haywire grenades)
Haemonculi(w/ Liquifier, venom Blade, deployed with Incubi)
Haemonculi(w/ Liquifier, venom blade, deployed with Wyches)
Haemonculi(w/ Hexrifle(which didnt do shit lol) with 20 man Warrior Squad)

7 Incubi in a Raider

Troops: (5 total for Objective purposes)
8 Wyches in Raider(Haywire grenades, hekatrix with agonizer, shardnet and impaler)
3 x 10 Warriors in raider (blaster and Splintercannon)
20 man warrior squad on foot(2 splinter cannons, 1 shredder)

None! FUCK IT!

2x Ravagers (3 Dark lances, Nightshield, FlickerField)
Razorwing Jetfighter( 2 Disintegrators, 1 Splinter cannon, 4 Monoscythe missles, Nightshield, Flickerfield)

1850 on the nose. The idea is to protect my wyches, incubi and large warrior squads with Feel No Pain, and to use everything else to lay down suppressing fire power and actually force the enemy to me if possible, a definately different Dark Eldar play style. So without further ado here are the mission by memory.

MISSION 1 Pitched Battle Anihilation
(Oh great kill points, Im running 18, I knew this was gonna be the hardest mission for me and lets see who my opponent is...TAU with 9 broadsides!!! This Should turn out well)

My opponent was a kid named Gage who was a good player and plenty nice.

His List from Memory:
9 Broadsides all with option to shoot different stuff and shield drones
2x3 Crisis suits with different weapons and 3 shield drones
12 man Fire warrior on foot
16 man kroot
16 man kroot outflanking
HQ with 2 or 3 Suit bodyguard with like 6 shield drones

OK so this was a pretty hard counter to my list for a kill point mission considering he auto pens all my raiders with his broadsides. So I decided to try something out and only deployed my 20 man warrior squad in cover and reserve everything else to deny his shooting for a few rounds. He deploys everything with Broadsides at the table edge spread out, warriors in cover on my left flank, all crisis team towards the middle ready to come at me(tee hee) and kroot in some woods. I roll for initiative and steal it!!! pointless lol. The game evolved into me turboboosting on making some good cover saves, and then sending my incubi and wyches into his lines and wiping him out. My incubi accounted for Both kroot squads, his HQ and a Broad Side team, My Wyches killed a Fire Warrior squad and a Broad side team, the rest of his army died to focused fire power from the rest of my army. I ended up tabling him in the last turn giving me Max Points.

That was close and I got pretty lucky on this one and He did get 7 kill points on me, he only had 10 but I got the wipeout so it didnt matter. Im really glad I went with a Null deployement otherwise he would have just wiped me out.

At this point we went to lunch, I was happy, and talked to a guy name Tom who me and bill played in our doubles tournament that we won, hes a pretty good blood angel player who tabled a dark eldar player in his first game.

MISSION 2 Spearhead and 3 objectives in the center of the board of each third of the table. Looked like Orion's Belt.

My opponent was a guy named Steve(who as it turns out runs the Tyranid Hive forum under the name Auxellion(I thought shit this will be tough)) He told me he was taking a fun list and wasnt bringing the full pain, and I believed him.

His List:
Tyranid Prime(Lash whip, Bonesword, Scything talons)
2x3 Hive Guard
3 Zoanthropes
30 Guants
1 Tervigon
2 Tyrannofex's
2 Carnifexes with devourers

OK not the most viscious tyranid list ive seen but with a hell of alot of shooting! I got to deploy first so I chose to deploy near the center with my 20 man unit and with my raiders and everything else behind them grabbing cover in the off chance the intiative was wasnt. OK so the 3 turns of the game was me staying still and shooting his guants because of his lack of troops, and holding the center and left objective. He shuffled into position for letting loose at my raiders. He took down some raiders but it didnt matter as much since I was in a good position to begin with. Turn 4 I went full throttle sending the wyches at the 2 carnifexs lol which they wiped out, and proceeded to run, kill a tyrannofex(Damn agonizers are awesome) and then go after the objective the tervigon was sitting on(they killed the tervigon) while everywhting else poured fire into whatever he had left and my Incubi killed his Tyranid Prime. This game me a massacre as he had nothing left on the table and due to my positioning I had all 3 objectives!

Wow that went well, He was a great opponent(and previous tournamets winner) so I was very cautios at first since I knew quite well what that list can do, but I played the distance game sitting just outside his Hive guards range so I could retain my mobility. MVP goes to the Wyches for taking down 4 tyranid MC's on foot and running to get that 3rd objective. (the 3D6 choose highest combat drug I rolled helped immensely.

OK so at this point I'm in the running for 1rst with 2 massacres and full points for all 3 objectives as well(and I didnt play 1 IG or ORK YAY!) The Dude tom had also massacred his opponent last game so I knew he was also in the running for first and I think a few other players.

MISSION 3 Pitched battle 4 Objectives that all scatter 4D6 off the center.(a little odd)

My opponent was the dude Tom who I was talking too. Yeah this was gonna be a fight and I was ready to win as I already tabled 2 people so far and have a vendetta against blood angels thanks to rob.

His list(which I thought was pretty nasty and he beat down a Khorne player last round lol)

Chaplain with goodies(deployed with death company in rhino)
1 sanguinary priest
1 Blood talon Dread (in drop pod)
1 death company dread(in drop pod)
1 tac squad with melta and lascannon in rhino
8 man death company in rhino
1 tac squad with missle launcher and flamer in drop pod
1 10 man Assualt squad with 2 meltas, power fist (with sang priest)
1 5 man Missle launcher squad
1 Vindicator

Turn 1:
OK so This was gonna be a good one cause I knew he was coming at me full speed...excellent as It gets the blood letting begin from the start. I deployed first and put everything in a cautious way or outta sight. He deployed the death rhino and vindicator on my right and a devastator squad and tactical squad on my left. Everything else was coming in reserve or drop pods. He did not steal the initiative so I went first and decided to try and do maximum damage before them damn dreadnoughts hit my lines. My razowing let loose on his devastaors wiping them out(phew they coulda ruined my day). I also destoyed his tac squad rhino forcing him to foot slogg it. His turn he dropped both dreadnoughts right in the middle of my lines, one to the left to take out my razorwing(which i didnt care as it did its job). They knocked a dissie off my razorwing and shot down a warrior raider. His vidicator moved up and shot but just stunned a warrior raider. His deathcompany also moved up with the vindicator on my right. Ok not too bad, now its my turn.

Turn 2:
I started off by moving and shuffling around to get my shots on the dread in the middle of my army and that damn vindicator as these had to be destroyed. I also disembarked my wyches as a precaution incase the had to use their haywire grenades. My raiders shuffled around towards far objective and grabbed cover but still allowed me to shoot with their blasters. Shooting I blew up the vindicator(NICE) and the Dreadnought(NICER) and my wyches charged his drop pod and blew it up with haywire grenades.(also awesome) OK that went as it should but there still is a dreadnought with FLEET(lol, seriously) close to my stuff, lets see what he can do. His turn starts off with His drop pod tacs coming in to my right, on an objective, and his assault squad with sang priest on my left(a little too close to my wyches mwahaha). He blows up a raider or 2 and his dread charges a warrior squad and wipes them out. All in all not too much damage done but now I'm primed for a massive counter attack.

Turn 3:
The Incubi disembark to the tac marines, my warriors shuffle around away from the dread and my wyches go after his assault squad. Shooting sees me immoblize the dreadnought(YES! its just as good as killing it) kill some tac marines from his back squad and shoot some other shit. Assault my Incubi slaughter the tac marines but he survives with 3 marines left(ooo this aint good as his death company with chappy is gonna come kick my ass(which is fine cause its away from an objective, nothing is sacred, incubi are just as expendable as a warrior tee hee)). My wyches kill some assault marines and they get some wyches back, the combat is a draw. His turn he shoots some stuff and starts to run towards objective with his back tac squad. His deathcompany hops out and charges into incubi combat and combat is a draw with both sides taking casualties.

Turn 4:
OK hes whittling down and I have some good combats, Time to start moving towards far 2 objectives, kill his last troops and then hope to get all objectives. Shooting sees me blow up rhino, tac marine drop pod, kill some tac marines. Just gotta keep on him. In combat i kill the sang priest and a few marines, he kills a few back and its a draw(but with no more feel no pain hes gonna die next round) and incubis die, kill some deathcompany, but I'm losing this one but not yet. His turn he kills incubi, wyches win. He consolidates with his chaplain and 1 death company is left.

Turn 5:
I got this game, time to go for the Tabling and Objectives. I do some shuffling to get all 4 objectives, shoot the shit outta his chaplain(who survives and goes on to wipe out my 20 man squad lol) I kill his last tac squad. He has a chaplain, and immoblilised dread and a drop pod left.

turn 6 + 7:
Tom was a great opponent and even though he knew he lost he said we could keep playing to see if I could get the wipeout for tourney points(which tho are the rules, he was a gracious opponent to do this and I thank him). Turn 6 + 7 I complete the tabling and get all 4 objectives!

Wow that was a good game and I was able to take it. So after this game I have successfully gotten as many points as possible for Kill points, and have held all 7 objectives in the tourney for their points and TABLED every opponent I fought(TABLED = wiped out their entire army to a man). Mike announced the winners and I had a perfect score won 1rst place overall! HOLY SHIT I say, I knew my army was pretty good, I did not realize its full potential and thankfully it showed it on the day that mattered at the tourney lol.

I wanna thank Bill and Rob for playing practice games with me to help me fine tune the deadly blade that is my army. Hopefully you guys will join the next one so I can whoop you there LOL j/k.

Looks like JRZYHAMMER is gonna start making a name for itself.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Master of the Deathwing

So I finally got around to modeling an actual Belial with lightning claws - which is the format I typically use him in. I decided upon using the Space Hulk model I picked up on ebay as the base for Belial, it had a significant amount of embellishments, so I thought it worked. The model was constructed mostly of adding some DA bits (shoulderpads, banner, sword, etc.) but I did try out some greenstuffing skills with creating a cape for him.

The only con of this Space Hulk mini is that it's helmeted and many characters are usually presented in an unhelmeted pose. I didn't want to remove the helmet though, as the Space Hulk minis are so well sculpted with detail, I didn't feel right chopping it up any further (the left arm had to be sliced up as it was part of the mold). But that's okay, Belial didn't rise to the ranks of Master of the Deathwing by charging into the fray without the proper protection... okay, maybe he did back when he was Master of the 3rd Company, but now he's much more careful...

I also had a chance to more or less finish up painting some DA Vets, still need to paint the bases though. Here is the progress with them. The armor highlights never seem to pop very well in photos, but I swear they are there - I use a mix of DA green/snot green for the first highlight than straight snot green and occasionally I'll add some white to snot green for a third layer of highlighting.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2v2 tourney results for ROb and Bill

End Result 2 wins, 1 loss.
Both are the favorite opponents of the day for all 3 of their matches and had a perfect Sportsmanship score from all 3 games. Best Sportsmanship award. Rob wins a HQ in terminator armor and Bill wins a Champlain in Terminator armor blister packs.

1000 Pts each (rob fill out your list!)

Bill - Daemons

17 Daemonetts
10 Plaguebearers with Icon
9 horrors with CHangeling
2 squads of 4 Flamers of Tztencth
Soul Grinder

Rob - Space Wolves

Round One - CHaos Space Marines, Tyranids. 4 Objectives. 2-0 win for us. Time ran out and ended match.

Enemy gets first turn but Initiative is seized!! Well to start, these guys hadnt played in years prior to this game. WHen other people were doing combats and shooting they were still deploying. The Chaos player took a Greater Daemon and didnt take any seargeants (Greater Daemons need a Chaos Champion, Plague Champion etc to actually spawn). We let him take a Chaos Dreadnaught (changing his list mid tournament is actually not allowed but whatever). Which added to his 2 already dreadnaughts and 2 Defilers. The TYranid player had a pretty decent army, minus the suck gargolyes that kill a whoppin 2 or 3 Longfangs. All 3 CHaos Dreadnauhts did not Rage against its allies which is like winning the fucking lottery. One became fleet and tied up my squad of Horrors for most of the game. The two of them had no tactics and didnt really play all that agreeably with eachother. Not real sure if these guys were ready for TOurnaments in general. In the end, the Daemonettes and Rune Priest w/ Tactical Marines held our 2 and another one of Rob's squads contested their only troop-help objective.

Round Two - Ultramarines and Eldar. 1-0 capture and control match. Ended in turn 5

These two guys were actually pretty damn good. Clearly we havent been interpreting ALOT of shit in the ELdar codex correctly. Or playing the army to its max potential. The Eldar player was a little bit cocky personally, but we won the game so it was hard to let it bother us. The Ultramarines had a pretty good army. 5 man assault term squad, land raider, predator, drop pod with 5 Sternguard, A single scout bike (leftover points), i dunno he had other stuff I cant recall. They had good armies but for some reason focused on trying to kill everything on the board and never put any troops even remotely near their capture point. By turn 4 or 5 all Eldar transports were dead in the water, a last Dire Avenger squad tried to bolt on foot but were dwindled to 3 or 4 after a turn of shooting from Bill's Tzetntch daemons. In the end, Bill's plaguebearers and a small number of robs troops were holding our objective points while Flamers of Tztentch sat on the enemy capture point. Game ends on turn 5.

Round 3 - 2000 points of Orks - Kill Pts DAWN OF WAR! One unit is allowed to Outflank. Near wipeout for us. Got our asses handed to us.

How do I always get paired against 2000 pts of Orks? Damn it! Basically by turn 1 we were practically overrun by the Speed Freaks. These guys had a pretty devesdating army. Virtually no shooting at all. Lots of armor 14 wagons. The Ork players outflanked Gazkhull Thrakka w/ Boyz and rob outflanks his FLamer Tact Marine squad in Rhino. Not much to explain about this game. we lost, fuckin bad! These guys won first place after beating us, leaving us in 2nd place.

Overall the best tourney for me so far. Rob enjoyed himself. Learned stuff, got free shit. No bad opponents or arguments between us and our opponents. Good times. Rob if theres anything you see that I missed, fix it!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Some of the fish have died...

Who forgot to feed them? Only 3 left : (

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Heresy, plain and simple...

Space Wolves cohort with Daemons and the Dark Angels find allies in the Tau? This is madness...

Anywho, here are the details from this past Friday's 2v2 match, a trial run for Bill and Rob's tournament next month.

2000 points (1000 from each player)
Dawn of War
Kill Points
Outcome: 5 to 3 Team Burnt Hand (on account of tournament time being up - I believe it was turn 5).

Team Burnt Hand
Tau Army List
HQ, Bunch o' suits, some floaty tanks, and a handful of funny little gray men. Mike will have to elaborate because the air in that room had me not paying much attention.

Dark Angel Army List
5 Deathwing Terminators with a CML
2 x 10 Man Tactical sqauds (one with plasma, one with melta) + Rhinos
10 Man Devastators, 2 ML, 2 PC

Team Horrible Rolling
Daemon Army List
2 Chariots
2 squads of 3 Flamers each
Mob of Deamonettes (not sure on the exact number)
10 (or 12) Plaugebearers
Soul Grinder

Space Wolf Army List
2 Runepriests
2 Sqauds of 10 Grey Hunters with all the fixins (Mark of Wolfen and such), in Rhinos
A slew of Long Fangs with enough fire power to level a mountain yet could not hit the broadside of a broadside

Team BH goes first, choosing not to deploy anything. Team Bad Rolling does the same. Most of both sides armies, excluding the deep striking daemons and Terminators held in reserve, walk on first turn. In the first turn the Plasma cannon wielding Dark Angels do a bit of running to get into position with the bunker (seen below in the 2nd picture). No targets bring the bottom of the first.

Bunch of Wolves walk on and their Long Fangs grab cover in another bunker. A unit of Plaguebearers plops down midfield. Flamers, Chariot and Soul Grinder come in on strong side seen below. I believe runs made for a quick bottom of turn 1 as well as position was more critical than drawing first blood.

Turn 2, Terminators walk in behind Rhinos to grab cover, CML Terminator takes point to throw some missiles at the advancing Soul Grinder with no effect. Combined Devastator an Tau shooting widdles down some Plaguebearers as well as knocks a weapon off Mr. Grinder.

Bottom of 2 has Daemons closing in on the Dark Angel lines. A second chariot deep strikes within striking distance.

I spend quite a bit of time arranging dice.

Turn 3, Dark Angels move 12 in an attempt to sling some melta into Mr. Grinder... unfortunately, you just can't shoot molten hot gas at that speed.

The Tau manage to blow up the advancing Rhino seen below. Big boon, slowing Runepriest and his Space Barbarian brethren.

The Tau guns make up for the Dark Angels mistake by rendering Mr. Grinder immobilized and effectively a KP.

Dark Angels rapid fire Chariot #2 to death.

In turns 3-4, A squad of flamers is wiped out before the other squad melts the face of Dark Angel Tactical Sqaud 1, sending them falling back off the board. A Rhino is scuttled by Long Fang fire. Combined Tau and Devastator fire thinned the late showing Daemonettes down to one. Runepriest had little luck with his spells as well. The 2nd tactical squad squares up and sends some shots into the flamers than charge them along with the nearby Chariot. The Chariot holds on and the Dark Angels are counter charged by Grey Hunters and their Runepriest.

We finish the turn with the set tournament time running out and call the game at 5-3, Team BH. I think I got that mostly right...

KP Tally

Team BH
Soul Grinder, 2x Flamers, Chariot, Rhino

Team Bad Rolling
2x Rhinos, Tactical Marines

Funny thing is, in the photo below, I'm pretty sure I wasn't saying anything like "we're number one" but rather "Chris stop taking friggin' pictures of me."

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Logo

What do you guys think?

Tomato Situation FTW

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2nd Place at Vorhees first 2500 Warhammer Fantasy Single's Tournament

I recently went to the Title of the blog and took home second. It was labeled "Best General" and was 1 away from Best Overall(which was 1rst). I took an Ogre list with consisted of an Irongut Deathstar (as this is one of the few builds Ogres can do and be competitive). It consisted in other stuff but as no one relly plays fantasy I'll spare my fingers the full details unless you guys would like.

Also Kudos to Bill for taking 2nd in the DP contest(tee hee).

A good showing indeed for jrzyhammer in 1 day.

Side note in doing the Best Overall's list for the tourney I could not get it under the 2500 pt. limit. Odd indeed not sure if I should bring it up but still it is a tournament. Its different if your a few over in our friendly games (with the opponents consent) but I feel that in a tournament setting it should be disqualification or some penalty as its alot more strict. Oh well an awesome fun day regardless...Now to get back to slaughtering dwarves...again...mwahaha take that Thorek gunline.

Now it has scooters...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wrath of Tzeentch

Dark Angels vs. Chaos Space Marines
2000 Point
DE Mission - Kill Points, table split in thirds, the "DE" deploy 2 units in center third and rest in back third (don't recall name)
Result: 10-2 Chaos Space Marines

Dark Angels List
Belial, Apoth

Ven Dread
5 Vets, plasma gun

2 x DW sqauds (2x CMLs)
10 man Tactical, PW, Plasma gum
10 man Tactical, PW, melta

10 Devs, 4 ML
Land Raider

Chaos Space Marine List (as much as I can remember)
Winged Demon Prince

8 Terminators - mix of power weapons, chainfist, lightning claws

3x 8 man thousand Sons all w/mark of Tzeentch
w/ 3x Rhinos
10 Man Chaos Space Marine squad w/mark of Tzeentch and plasma gun

Land Raider

The Chaos Marines went first and moved up their transports to join the two advanced units in the table center. Their Daemonic leader followed the Land Raider closely, staying out of site. All rhinos popped smoke and the Land raider took a pot shot at the Venerable Dreadnought in cover sheering off his close combat arm.

The Dark Angels answered this with a hail of missile fire both from the Devastators and the cyclone missile launcher equipped Deathwing - Belial and his squad left the safety of the Land Raider to add their weight, which in retrospect would turn out to be a grave mistake the following turn. One Chaos Rhino was blown sky high, killing one of it's Thousand Sons occupants. Tactical Squad Alpha dispatched at least one other with bolter fire.

In the next turn (2) the Chaos Terminators (who Mike mistakenly took 8, not allowing them to use the LR, yet DS probably worked out better) deep striked with little effort not far off from Belial and his squad of terminators. The close ranged barrage of combi-plasma pinned cushioned the unprepared terminators, Belial took a wound and 4 of his brothers fell dead. The Land Raider kept it's advance, closing over difficult terrain, the Prince followed with it. The Chaos Vindicator lined up a shot, taking some Marines out that were in cover.

Licking their wounds, Belial and his lone Cyclone Missile launcher brethren mounted back into the Land Raider. Dark Angels focus turned towards the now all too close Chaos Terminator threat - perhaps a mistake, as one Thousand Sons unit was down to only 4 and should have been finished off. Dreadnought made a dash towards the Chaos Vindicator and popped smoke. Another rhino moved up in front of the advancing Chaos Land Raider and dispersed a smoke screen as well. With moves made, a torrent of fire poured into the Chaos Terminators from all sides; Devastators, Land Raider, Deathwing alike. When the dust cleared, not nearly as many as we would have liked had fallen - a reminder of just how sturdy Tactical Dreadnought Armor really is in the face of conventual weapons.

Following that the Chaos Land Raider advance again along with the Vindicator moving to line up yet another devastating shot downing more Marines. The Daemon Prince finally came out from his Armor 14 shield and assaulted the Venerable Dreadnought (I don't recall exactly who shot who from this turn). The remaining Chaos Terminators scrambled for the Land Raider and one lucky shot with a chainfist managed to penetrate the heavily armored behemoth, cleaving it's track in half and leaving it wrecked. Belial and company piled out the side hatch.

Main focus is again on the Chaos Terminators, as Belial and the single Deathwing Battle Brother make hast to let loose some volleys into them. The Devastators do the same and the Librarian and his Veteran squad, one with rapid firing plasma, follow suit. The Razorback likewise sends some heavy bolts into their position. The old "you rapid fired so you can't charge" once again bites someone in the ass as the Vets blow their load but are unable to assault (though the Libby used hellfire). Belial's "squad" are left to go it alone and though they take one with them all hope was crushed that day by a chaotic powerfist as it punched through Belial's armor. The overkill shot was too much for him to take. Though hope may have been lost, the fight was not over.

In the next turn the Landraider moved up once more and unloaded it's payload - 10 retched heretics blessed by the mark of Tzeentch, the very air around them hissed with chaotic energies as they unloaded some shots into the closest rhino, only taking off its storm bolter. Again the Vindicator made a shot, though I am unaware of how many it took with it, even one was too many at this point. All the while the Thousand Sons advanced on foot, slow and purposeful as always, taking shots where they could. A handful of times the Dark Angel Librarian was able to dispel any foul magics they may have been cooking up, but many other times he could not - so is the power of god of change.

In the face of the coming Chaos Marines, the Dark Angel Tactical Squad Bravo piled out of their in tact, yet scarred rhino. A fury of rapid fire managed to only down one or two of the enemy. This time the Librarian and his Vets did not make such a foolish mistake, as he sent a blaze of hellfire into the remaining terminators (AP 2 this time!), followed by his squads bolt pistol fire. The Chaos Terminators were finally dispatched, but surely it took to long - the advancing followers of Tzeentch were not far off. The Dreadnought danced around killing blows from the Daemon Prince like John Travolta, they stayed in combat. Oh oh oh oh staying alive...

The next few turns flowed quickly as the battle raged towards turn 7. Tactical Squad Bravo received a charge from the Chaos Space Marines after a volley of bolt/plasma fire downed a couple. Squad Bravo would be locked in combat for the next couple turns, but eventually succumbed with help from the 4 Thousand Sons which had been ignored. On the other side of the field, the Librarians Vet squad was annihilated by the AP3 shots and too late the Devastator realized that the two remaining immobilized rhinos were in fact ONLY immobilized - not kill points - though they did manage to down one by the end.

Additional chaos fire would eventually have Squad Alpha falling back and subsequently destroyed and the second squad of Deathwing reduced to one who managed to use the hulking Land Raider and newly wrecked Razorback as cover. Combined fire of the Daemon Prince and Thousand Sons also managed to reduce the Devastator squad down to a man before the game ended. Oh god do I wish it ended in 5.

DA Commentary
The only very small victory the Dark Angels managed that day was actually not getting wiped out in seven turns of a whole lot of death and destruction to them. Two things I should have done was finish off the one T-sons squad along with hit the remaining rhinos much earlier. All in all, I would have still lost, but at least I would have got a couple more KPs.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Daemon Prince new models Painting Contest Results

I got 2nd place today and was awarded a GW beverage thermos thingys and a box of FLamers (was able to choose). The first place guy got a box of Seekers. So 1st and 2nd place gave you pretty much the same dollar amount in prizes. My custon Slaaneshi D Prince is on display at the shop; Mike said he's gonna take pics of the top 2 people and send them to the company. Free flamers!

Oh and Mike OB was there playin Fantasy with the Ogres. When last i talked to him he won 2/3 games and was on his 3rd. God damn Knoblars.

(This is Ed) - To update Bill's post above, Mike said he received "Best General" or something along those lines which equated to 2nd place also more or less. He mentioned something about winning the new fantasy mini-rulebook.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Revising the battle report for the 2s tourney at GW last Saturday. Will post in a day or so.

Games Workshop is having a contest for painting the new Daemon Prince model for the Daemons. Extra points for originality, customization etc. I've already see Mike's (the manager) Prince and if that's the standard than I'm golden. Deadline is the 28th.

In addition, with my kick-ass work at the last 2s tourney I am pleased to say that for the next 2v2 tournament I will officially be paired up with one Rob Mcclintock!We're already fine tuning our lists. That's right, I've broken him; the WOlves shall join me in another campaign of daring, danger and ddrrrrramaaaaa!

On a final note, I'd just like to thank our veteran players who never took it easy on me during our personal games. Starting out as Tau against long time players .. against Chaos Marines, Space Wolves and Orks; playing near impossible matches like this has sharpened me into a better player, i feel. There are so many pro players with WAY more popular armies than mine that were incapable of taking my doubles teams down, even in the worst situations. Between both 2v2 tournaments, the most myself and chris and me and mike lost by was one kill point against 2000 pts of orks and one objective when me and chris played the Nids/Daemon players. So... thanks for whipping me into shape, now if I could just get the god damn math commited to memory : /

I'm playing Rob on Saturday and I'm on vacation the week of Aug 30th. I'm gonna try to play as much 40k as I can. I need to try a bunch of Daemon army lists to fine-tune them

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Space Wolves vs. Eldar

2500 points
Battle Mission: Fighting Withdraw

Rob's summary:
Mission had three objectives. Board was divided
in half from long board corner to opposite board corner (think two big
triangles) One objective in the center of the board. Second objective was
in Susmitas board corner and the third was in between the first and second
one. All objectives were in a line. Susmita rolled to represent the Tau so
all here Eldar got Hit and Run special rule. She deployed first and I had
first turn and everything was to move on from my edge.

Turn 1
SW: Moved everything on form board edge. BC and Dread moved up on my
extreme left flank along left board edge. 10 man GH on foot moved in
between the BC and rhinos. My rhions, vindicator, and TWC moved full speed
as the center of my line (the center of my line was still far left on the
board, my right flank was positioned about center table). LFs move onto a
hill in the center of my table. Scouts outflank.

Eldar: Susmita move half her army slightly forward DA in the WS turbo bust
to her left flank behind harlequins. DR kill half of LF unit 1. Falcon
destroys demolisher cannon off the vindicator.

Turn 2
SW: BC and Dread move up left flank. BC flame pathfinders but they live.
Foot GH move up. RP rhino and vindicator move up the center. GH rhino
breaks right. GH disembark and unload on harlequins killing 5 and breaking
them. Dread kills one wraithguard (WG). Rest of my shooting kills off
pathfinders. No scouts.

Eldar: Harlequins regroup. Consolidate 3 inches. Fleet and end up in charge
of the GH. They charge in and kill 5 GH but the GH wiped them out. DR kill
rest of LF unit 1. WG move up and destroy the RP rhino. Other units shoot
at the GH/RP and kill 4. Falcon blocks way of my vehicles and FD disembark
and explode the vindicator. Scorpions arrive on flank with BC and they
charge in. Scorpions kill 7 but are wiped out for there troubles. One GH
from the unit on foot gets killed. Susmita screens WG with Shining Spears
to protect them. Things look good for SW.

Turn 3
SW: BC roll snake eye for Difficult leaving them well behind rest of my
battle line. I run but get a 2. Dread kills 3 Shining Spears. GH on foot
wipeout rest of the Shining Spears. LFs destroy Dire Avengers WS. RP/GH
charge Falcon but do nothing. TWC finally charges. They kill only 3 FD. 5
man GH move up to secure objective harlequins were protecting. NO SCOUTS. I
needed them bad but things look good for SW again.

Eldar: DA bladestorm 5 man GH and kill all with my bad armour saves. Avatar
charge GH/RP and kills the 5 remaining GHs. RP wounds Avatar but fails
force weapon roll for the instant death. WG move up and kill 9 out of 9 GHs
and charge the WG and beat him to death in combat. I lost 3 out of 3 GH
squads. DR, guardians and wraithlord unload on TWC but I take the wounds

Turn 4
SW. Thunderlord detaches and charges guardians and he kills all but 2. TWC
goes back around to charge WG. BC finally get to where the actions is and
charges WG. Dread charges WG as well. WG kill all but WP, WG and 1 BC form
the huge BC squad. All the WG are wiped out. The warlock lives makes test
and then is able to HIt and Run leaving me ass out. Scouts arrive way too
late and they arrive on the board where no one is at. Closest enemy unit is
about 3 feet away.

Eldar: Falcon tries to kill rhino that is contesting objective but fails.
Avatar charges dread and does everthing but destroy it. Surviving warlocks
legs it back to second objective. Wraithlord shoots at TWC. I was not
paying attention. I had one more wound to give on a TWC. i did not realise
this and took it on a guy who had a wound already. I fail my save and fail
my leadership check. TWC fall back 15 inches (cavarly do 3D6). Thunderlord
kills remaining guardians.

Turn 5
SW: Thunderlord charges warlock and kills him. LF kill 3 DA. BCs charge
wraithlord and get wiped out. Avatar cant kill dread again. TWC is about a
quater inch in range next to the Falcon so flee. I roll a massive 16 inches
and they run off the board.

Eldar: DR shoot at Thunderlord and do no damage. Only 3 DA in range to
shoot LF but still kill half the unit. Avatar still cant kill dread. Falcon
cant destroy rhino. I roll a 3 and the game goes on.

Turn 6
LFs and scouts shoot and kill 4 DA. They fail their LD check. No more
troops left on the board so we call the game a tie.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dark Angels vs. Dark Eldar

It was very dark. Grim dark.

2000 points
IG Battle Mission: War of Attrition
Table halves deployment, recycling units - troops only, victory points
Final in 5 rounds: DA victory - 1415 DA to 1305 DE

Dark Angel List

Belial, Apoth

Ven Dread
5 Vets w/Razorback

2 x DW Terminators
2 x Tactical Marines- one with rhino

Devs - 2 ML, 2 HB

Dark Eldar List
I'll let Mike fill in the blanks if he gets a chance, but he noted that it was more or less what he used against Bill's daemons. 6 Troops in all, 2x Witches, Bikes with 2+ Invul Lord., and a couple terminator-killing heavy support choices.

DE played the role of IG, so they went first and per mission rules were allowed to deploy at the half field line - DE were already assaulting in turn one - YES, turn one - not good for DA's devastators, who never fired a shot. It was a bloody day from the start.

Witches unloaded some nasty attacks bolstered by a slew of warriors, popping drugs as they went. The whirlwind earned it's points back from the get go, halving a unit of warriors (the one unit with like 4 dark lances mind you) and sending them falling back, unable to regroup. Though tied up in combat, Devs managed to stay along for a round or so with the help of some counter attacks. Chunks of both armies were fighting bloody combats almost from the start - and the Dark Eldar would have it no other way.

Belial finally succumbed, he and his squad held combat for at least a couple rounds but the DE lord ripped into what was left of the squad with abandon - even taking a wound from ODing on his combat drugs.

With the Devastator's heavy weapons silenced from the start, the terminators were forced to play anti-armor with their CMLs. Two squads of terminators recycled near DE heavies, their CMLs only manage to down one however - which would turn out to be a grave mistake. The other heavy earned vengeance by decimating one squad down to a man, with two squads of warriors finishing the job - an easy 245 pts. (the warriors had recycled as well, basically right next to the terminators).

The game ended in 5. Had it gone on, it looked like it would have turned back towards the DE's favor. The DA simply had a stellar bottom of the 5th, finishing off a handful of units, mostly transports and witches along with some warriors with a multitude of small arms. The DA also did not lose a single vehicle. Another round probably would have seen two go down, but the DE had focused so much lance fire on the Dread, the other vehicles just sat pretty.

The Dread (or more specifically Mike's poor Dark lance rolling) would probably be the DA's MVP - simply due to the giant target on his back. Also noteworthy, one lone tactical sarge who survived the whole game - the DE had sought to deny the DA another recycled troop, so this sarge was left to hurl himself at transports with no avail. The tactic backfired in the end however, as if he had been downed, the DE would have earned another 175 pts., and the win.

All in all, a fun and close game.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Upcoming game - Chaos Daemons versus Dark Eldar 2000 pts

Oh right.. I forgot there's an army that can hit at the same times as me (and also has to pay a shitload of points to actually get ranged power... and only have 5+ saves).

Might play Thursday if I'm able (getting route canal done). If not, sometime next week. I had fun my last game but I definitely think this matchup will be more straight forward, mostly due to the fact that by turn 2 we both will want to blow our loads (and this time not on Robs back). Aside from the normal breaks we take, this game will go pretty quickly I'd imagine.

FINAL SCORE: 10-7 Mike wins

Deathwing Sergeant #3

Finally finished a third sergeant (and most of his squad). Need a break from bone white armor, probably move on to doing some power armored Vets in their dainty little robes.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Daemons vs Eldar Test Game - 1500 pts

End Result: Test game called in End of Turn 4. Eldar wins 2-1 and get their temporary Revenge against the daemons of Chaos. Game time about 3 1/2 hours.

Eldar army list

HQ - Elrond (surprise, surprise!)
Elite - 10 Striking Scorpions w/Exarch, powerfist, shadowstrike, etc
Troops - 10 guardians w/ warlock and bright lance
2 x 10 Dire Avengers (one with bladestorm in wave serpent, other with shimmershield and defend)
5 pathfinders
Fast - 6 swooping hawks w/talon thing
Heavy - wraithlord w/star cannon and wraithsword
5 dark reapers

Daemons army list
HQ - Gayness
Elite - Gays
Troops - "Gaze" x3

(Nice try jerk, better get used to my armies being listed by Force 1 and 2)

Force One
(Chosen to Make a Daemonic Assault. I prayed to the chaos Gods by rolling one D6. On a roll of 3-6 the Gods agree and this Force comes in first. On a roll of 1-2 the Gods fuck me over and Force 2 comes in. Of course, I roll a 2)

Keeper of Secrets with Unholy Might, Pavane of Slaanesh
Herald of Slaanesh with Pavane Of Slaanesh, Icon of Chaos
6 Nurglings
Daemon Prince with Mark of SLaanesh, Unholy Might, Daemonic Gaze
Daemon Prince with Mark of SLaanesh, Unholy Might, Daemonic Gaze

Force Two
(Aka Force I Needed To Come In Second Not FIrst)
20 Daemonettes
10 Daemonettes
4 Flamers of Tzetnch
2 Fiends of Slaanesh
Herald of Slaanesh with Pavane of Slaanesh, Icon of CHaos attatched to a unit of 8 Daemonettes

ELdar and Daemons will fight again. For there are so many of us... and so few of you! SLUTS ATTACK! Fleet,Rend , Happyface!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My CHaos Daemons Part two

9 Daemonettes
Red/Purple style
Harem #2

18 Daemonettes
Harem #1


My Chaos Daemons part One

So as you all may know, I started my third army; Chaos Daemons, geared (with a very few exceptions) towards the worship of Slaanesh. I have to say, this army is probly the most fun and easy to paint. I cant wait to test play them! Enjoy!
Keeper of Secrets (Greater Daemon of Slaanesh)
Scattered decapitated heads of Space Marines, IGuard, Tau.

The Masque of Slaanesh
Everybody DANCE!!!

Heralds of Slaanesh

Herald of Slaanesh
Red/Purple design

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

BA vs SW

Army list BA's

Troops: 3 tac squads of 10 with ML FLamer and PW

Troops 1 tac squad of 10 with MM Flamer and PF

Fast: baal pred

Heavy: 2 Dev squads with 4 MLs 2 extra models

Heavy: 1 dev squad with 4 Las 1 extra model

deadicated trasnport: 2 drop pods

leet: 1 lib dred

HQ: Mephston

Leet: Broter Corlious (allows BA player to ROLL 1 of there OWN dice roll) (allows all guys within 6 to FnP and Furious charge

THis could be for seize of the intiative and Last roll of game (to make it end faster or last longer ;) sneaky shit! i know


HQ: Wolf lord riding a wolf (like a bike but better) mark of bear (eternal warrior) and thrunderhammer 2+ armor saves 3+ invunlerable...

LEET: Scounts DUH...

Heavy: 2 sqads of Long fangs (no shit)

Troops: 3 squads of GHs with all there normal shit

Wolf standard some where

HQ: Rune priest

Dedicated transport: 2 Rhinos

Leet: Venurable dred

Fast: 4 Wolve Calvery.

ORK mission BlitzKreg

Objective 3 total

Rob picked corners edges.

Here is the placement of the objectives below

ROB was the ork player (goes first)

Enemy seizes Initiavte on roll of 1

Roll off to pick sides

RULES: only fast get deployd.

at the start of turn 1 rob had deployed his Calvary and HQ.

I deployed my BAAL who was safe till turn 2 when the scouts arrive...

SW turn 1 he moves toward my corner were the Baal was deployed.

BA turn 1. DPA comes down the Lib dred.

SW turn 2 top half

Rob rolls for reserves: (doesn't make it) 1rhino with GH and rune priest , LongFangs, Ven Dred

Scouts come on at the far bottom (end up) no range for nothing did nothing that turn

Rhino with GH drove on shot Melta at lib dread and killed it.....

Long fangs walk on near the BA drop pod

Squad on Foot GH walk on see picture below middle right of picture

BA turn 2 Bottom half
Reserve rolls Not made ( 1 squad of Dev with brother corlious, Dev with ML, 1 troop,)

Second drop pod drops in picture below (the BLUE one is also a BA DP)

2 squads of Tactical squads come in as picture above and below show!

STILL BA turn 2 bottom half below.

1 Dev squad in the bushes walk in as picture below shows.

mEphiston WALKS AND RUNS UP. (he couldn't use his magic to get the jump pack movement sine he came in as reserves)...... MOves and runs up as picture below shows

The squad tat comes out the drop pod falls and runs back to gain position behind DROP POD so avoid getting charged.

Rob charges in past my DP. from this angle above

Picture below shows HOW he made contact...

picture above SW turn 3 assault phase

Picture above BA Turn 3 assault phase phase

Mepshiton made contact and theirs only the LORD ad 1 wolf left.

Picture above end turn 5 Baal is dead

Mepst is alive.. Brother colrious still alive. Wasted his free Roll on assault turn 5 to reroll Difficult terrian needed a 3 or more

Mission was impropperly played. HQ does not get Fast deployment privileges just because it is ATTACHED to the squad.

THe lord should of been in reserves and then Rolled for as normal.

From SW turn 3 to SW turn 5 they were in combat. the whole game was that 1 combat.

The lord shouldn't have been on the board....