Unfortunately, food will not be provided by Kirsten this time :P
I vote a 3v2 ...Me, Chris and Eddie 1k pts a piece vs Space Vikings and Smelly EL-Dar Cool J's 1500 pts each. Or if Rob is on Beeper duty or Masturbation duty, 2v2. In which case I'd vote Orks/Tau vs DarkAngels/Eldar. I texted Mike to see if he was down too.
I think the Orks/tau - DAngels/Eldar is a good setup Balance-Wise. Sea of close-combat units/Shooting-only units VS Bulky melee/Magic army.
I enjoy our group games, lets get one goin at my house! I'll order pizza or something, Idc. Just wanna play Fowty-Kay!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
End Results for this weekend's 2 matches
Chaos Space Marines (Bill) versus Codex Space Marines (Rob)
1250 points, Learning game (my first game as Chaos SM)
End Result - Rob sneaks a 6-5 Killpoint victory at the conclusion of Turn 6
Lesser Daemonettes killed 3 terminators
Beserkers ate up 2 squads
4 turn long combat between a Demon Prince with 3 wounds and a stupid Venerable Dreadnaught. No weapons and Immobilized, still headbutting me for 3 turns and not dying....
Tyranids (Mike OB) versus Dark Angels (Ed)
1500 points - My typical Deathwing-heavy list minus the bikers against Mike's more experimental list
1250 points, Learning game (my first game as Chaos SM)
End Result - Rob sneaks a 6-5 Killpoint victory at the conclusion of Turn 6
Lesser Daemonettes killed 3 terminators
Beserkers ate up 2 squads
4 turn long combat between a Demon Prince with 3 wounds and a stupid Venerable Dreadnaught. No weapons and Immobilized, still headbutting me for 3 turns and not dying....
Tyranids (Mike OB) versus Dark Angels (Ed)
1500 points - My typical Deathwing-heavy list minus the bikers against Mike's more experimental list
Scenery - Buddy's dinning room table, "fusion reactor" candle vases, banana barricades, paper plate craters, and plastic bowl/coffee cup hills
End Result - Dark Angel Victory, 6-4 Kill points in turn 7.
Lots of Marine shooting until the Nids could reach their weak* right flank . Deathwing mobile gun line FTW - By the end of the game the Angels had managed to swing their lines around and start falling back towards what was once their right flank... the Whirlwind actually made it to the end, falling back 6 inches every turn and firing direct.
On the other side of the table, the Tyranofex put a hurting on a squad of terminators and a combat squad of devastators. On top of that it (Mike can confirm - I think it was the Tyranofex) managed to get a shot into the second group of devastators that actually made them fail their check and fall back off the table.
The Dark Angel MVP of the game was actually that weak side 10-man tactical marine squad. They managed to stay tied up in combat for 2 rounds, repelling one squad of hormagaunts and tying up another along with two more squads of genestealers. However the Nids also used an ability to reduce their BS/WS to 1, making them much less effective to hold thereafter. Kudos to the whirlwind for thinning out at least one squad of those stealers before they hit into their battle brothers.
Not going down without a fight, and buying their comrades some time,
the last of the angels are encircled and consumed
*weak as it was the one side with less terminators
Chaos Marines,
Dark Angels,
Space Marine,
Friday, February 19, 2010
Collector of Obscure Armies
Ed I posted a link to my army collection progress Blog, but couldn't move it down to Member pages.
Chyea. Cya's on Sun-dee.
Chyea. Cya's on Sun-dee.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
battle report?
what happened to the last battle report? i wanted to hear all about orks getting massacred - even though i was there to witness it, muwahahaa.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Friday: Time to kill the heretics
Well, the weekend is finally here and the only thing I hate worse than dirty xenos is warp-touched traitorous heretics running around with their silly spikes and stupid pointy-toothed grins. Please, look in a mirror and tell me that worshiping the gods of Chaos has worked out for you, especially you Nurgle fanatics. What's that snapping out of your diseased ridden stomach there? Oh, it's just your intestines, complete with sentience and serrated teeth...
Monday, February 8, 2010
Edit Pages. Lists.
I dunno if everyone can see the sidepanel blog thingy for me that has my entire Tau army index in it. For reference, I propose we should document as accurately as possible the armies we possess collectively. Kind of a pain I know but so is collecting as many armies as we all have. Ed if we create a section for this you can just copy and paste my Tau army list into a new blog/new section. No rush, I'm sure everyone has a ballpark idea of how large their armies are point-wise.
I'd like to see how large our Dark Eldar and Necron armies are. Mike since you're the only player with 2 accounts i hope you spend a lil time on here. If you read this page, do it up you dirty Texan with the D.Eldar and Necron armylists.
Base unit costs, necessary upgrades only. You know the deal peoples.
From Ed...
Sounds good Bill. Considering there is a limit of 10 stand alone pages, I've taken your advise and rolled all the army lists into one page, which you can access to the right, under "useful links". They are in Alpha order and I have added anchor links so you can click and jump to that section of the Army Lists.
PLEASE NOTE: Blogger is being a bitch and f'ing up my links if you go to edit that page, switch to compose mode, and publish. Because of that, please just post your army lists in a regular blog on the main page, and I will transfer them over to the army list section. Alternatively, feel free to send me them via email or facebook. (or make sure you only edit from HTML tab) Thanks.
Now, for those of you who would like your own "member page" to do what you want with, you can also create that, and it will be automatically added to the "member page" menu also in the side bar. To add a page, simply go to the "Posting Tab", click on "Edit Pages" and click "New Page".
These act as static blog posts. Which means, you will only be able to edit that one initial post on the page to add things, however, they will never be posted to the main blog body as updates (hitting "new post" even on your page seems to add it to the main body and not that static page).
Please let me know if anyone has any questions.
I'd like to see how large our Dark Eldar and Necron armies are. Mike since you're the only player with 2 accounts i hope you spend a lil time on here. If you read this page, do it up you dirty Texan with the D.Eldar and Necron armylists.
Base unit costs, necessary upgrades only. You know the deal peoples.
From Ed...
Sounds good Bill. Considering there is a limit of 10 stand alone pages, I've taken your advise and rolled all the army lists into one page, which you can access to the right, under "useful links". They are in Alpha order and I have added anchor links so you can click and jump to that section of the Army Lists.
PLEASE NOTE: Blogger is being a bitch and f'ing up my links if you go to edit that page, switch to compose mode, and publish. Because of that, please just post your army lists in a regular blog on the main page, and I will transfer them over to the army list section. Alternatively, feel free to send me them via email or facebook. (or make sure you only edit from HTML tab) Thanks.
Now, for those of you who would like your own "member page" to do what you want with, you can also create that, and it will be automatically added to the "member page" menu also in the side bar. To add a page, simply go to the "Posting Tab", click on "Edit Pages" and click "New Page".
These act as static blog posts. Which means, you will only be able to edit that one initial post on the page to add things, however, they will never be posted to the main blog body as updates (hitting "new post" even on your page seems to add it to the main body and not that static page).
Please let me know if anyone has any questions.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Battle of Starfling Dessert | Eldar vs. Space Wolves
Susmita vs Gay Rob
Scenery Arranger(s) - Rob (first time, ever)
Additional Game Witnesses? Bunny and Kitty
Mission Type Rolled For - Objectives
Number of Objectives/CapturePoints – 3
Objective Markers Placed By - 2 by Susmita 1 by Gay Rob
Deployment Type Rolled For - Pitched Battle
First Turn Won By - Gay Rob
Initiative Seized? – No
Player 1 - Space Wolves
Player 2 - Eldar
Player 1 Army List
Total Number of Units/KillPoints taken - 14
*EXACT* Number of Points Taken - 2000
-Number of HQ taken: 3
-Number of Troops taken: 4
-Number of Elites taken: 3
-Number of Fast Attack taken: 0
-Number of Heavy Support taken: 3
Wold guard battle leader - frost blade and runic armor, wolf tail tailsman
Player One SHOOTING Phase - LF shot at wave serpent behind the cathedral, blowing up bright lance and shruken catapult; rest of the shooting was dedicated to the guardians and only 2 died.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – turbo boosted wave serpent to right flank; moved falcon up 4 inches.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – turbo boosted serpent back in the center; fire dragons moved back to shoot at scouts; dire avengers disembarked.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – reembarked dire avengers; moved fire dragons up behind the wave serpent; moved vpyer to the right of the board edge; disembarked autarch and moved forward; moved wraithlord forward. guardians were covered from going to ground. scorpions showed up and came on my left side (worst possible side...accomplished NOTHING). other wave serpent moves towards the center objective,
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – Moved up wraithlord closer to the rhino; fire dragons and dire avengers and vyper all move up to form firing line; eldrond dropped down one level to get his 6"; scorpions climbed to high ground.
2.16.10 | 2000 point
Scenery Arranger(s) - Rob (first time, ever)
Additional Game Witnesses? Bunny and Kitty
Mission Type Rolled For - Objectives
Number of Objectives/CapturePoints – 3
Objective Markers Placed By - 2 by Susmita 1 by Gay Rob
Deployment Type Rolled For - Pitched Battle
First Turn Won By - Gay Rob
Initiative Seized? – No
Player 1 - Space Wolves
Player 2 - Eldar

Total Number of Units/KillPoints taken - 14
*EXACT* Number of Points Taken - 2000
-Number of HQ taken: 3
-Number of Troops taken: 4
-Number of Elites taken: 3
-Number of Fast Attack taken: 0
-Number of Heavy Support taken: 3
Wold guard battle leader - frost blade and runic armor, wolf tail tailsman
Rune priest
Wold priest
6 scouts w/wolf guard
invenerable dreadnought
15 blood claws w/wolf guard
10 grey hunters with wolf guard terminator
2x8 grey hunters w/ wolf guard in rhinos
2x6 long fangs
Player 2 Army List
Wold priest
6 scouts w/wolf guard
invenerable dreadnought
15 blood claws w/wolf guard
10 grey hunters with wolf guard terminator
2x8 grey hunters w/ wolf guard in rhinos
2x6 long fangs
Player 2 Army List
Total Number of Units/KillPoints taken - 14
*EXACT* Number of Points Taken - 2000
-Number of HQ taken: 2
-Number of Troops taken: 4
-Number of Elites taken: 2
-Number of Fast Attack taken: 1
-Number of Heavy Support taken: 3
Eldrond farseer
5 pathfinders
2x10 dire avengers - both in wave serpents
- 1 w/bladestorm
- 1 w/
6 fire dragons in falcon
10 guardians w/warlock and heavy weapons platform
10 striking scorpions (outflanking)
5 dark reapers

*EXACT* Number of Points Taken - 2000
-Number of HQ taken: 2
-Number of Troops taken: 4
-Number of Elites taken: 2
-Number of Fast Attack taken: 1
-Number of Heavy Support taken: 3
Eldrond farseer
5 pathfinders
2x10 dire avengers - both in wave serpents
- 1 w/bladestorm
- 1 w/
6 fire dragons in falcon
10 guardians w/warlock and heavy weapons platform
10 striking scorpions (outflanking)
5 dark reapers

The Starfling
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – Vindicator up; wolf guard battle leader to right; rune priest rhino to the left; dreadnought and grey hunters comes out of the building;

Player One MOVEMENT Phase – Vindicator up; wolf guard battle leader to right; rune priest rhino to the left; dreadnought and grey hunters comes out of the building;

The Wolves advance
Player One SHOOTING Phase - LF shot at wave serpent behind the cathedral, blowing up bright lance and shruken catapult; rest of the shooting was dedicated to the guardians and only 2 died.
Player One ASSAULT Phase – n/a
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – turbo boosted wave serpent to right flank; moved falcon up 4 inches.
Player Two SHOOTING Phase - guided DR and falcon, and fortuned DR. falcon shot pulse laser at vindicator which resulted in a may not shoot. repears killed 4 long fangs. pathfinders did nothing. LF'S broke and fled.
Player Two ASSAULT Phase – n/a
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – LF's rallied and moved forward 6. rune priest and rhino continued to move gay rob's left flank; vindicator moved up; wolf guard rhino moved up to the center objective; dreadnought moved forward; scouts appeared behind enemy lines.
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – LF's rallied and moved forward 6. rune priest and rhino continued to move gay rob's left flank; vindicator moved up; wolf guard rhino moved up to the center objective; dreadnought moved forward; scouts appeared behind enemy lines.
Player One SHOOTING Phase - all shooting managed to killed 2 more guardians and melta gunned the falcon resulting in a may not shoot.
The Falcon's crew sits unable to shoot following a melta onslaught
Player One ASSAULT Phase – scouts charged pathfinders and falcon from behind; thunderhammer destroyed falcon and killed 3 pathfinders; pathfinders broke and fled.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – turbo boosted serpent back in the center; fire dragons moved back to shoot at scouts; dire avengers disembarked.
Player Two SHOOTING Phase -magic was shot down. fire dragons killed 3 scouts; dire avengers skilled 3; vyper killed 1. repears shot at LFs killing only one more. Last survivor passed check.
Player Two ASSAULT Phase – n/a
Player One MOVEMENT Phase –moved wolfguard battle leader up and disembarked squad; moved rune priest rhino up a couple inches; moved vindicator up; moved the dreadnought up; shuffled blood claws up
Player One MOVEMENT Phase –moved wolfguard battle leader up and disembarked squad; moved rune priest rhino up a couple inches; moved vindicator up; moved the dreadnought up; shuffled blood claws up
Player One SHOOTING Phase - ran with blood claws; everything else shot at guardians and reduced them to only 2 models; ordinance shot at DR and wiped out all but one. lost a plasma guy (lol)
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – reembarked dire avengers; moved fire dragons up behind the wave serpent; moved vpyer to the right of the board edge; disembarked autarch and moved forward; moved wraithlord forward. guardians were covered from going to ground. scorpions showed up and came on my left side (worst possible side...accomplished NOTHING). other wave serpent moves towards the center objective,
Player Two SHOOTING Phase - fortune and guide fire dragons. everything shot at rhino, only to immobilize and destroy its weapon. wraithlord destroys the other rhino's storm bolter.
Player Two ASSAULT Phase – autarch assaults wolf guard battle leader and grey hunters; wraithlord goes to help autarch but rolls 3 1's for difficult terrain (of course!). autarch used ordinance attack killing 7 grey hunters and a wolf guard. GH lose by 8 by makes all armor saves; so locked in combat.
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – rune priest and GH disembark from rhino and form firing line; blood claws move forward, center 10 GH move forward; dreadnought moves forward.
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – rune priest and GH disembark from rhino and form firing line; blood claws move forward, center 10 GH move forward; dreadnought moves forward.
Player One SHOOTING Phase - right flank: rune priest does a perils of the warp but fails to wound him; GH's unload on fire dragons killing NO ONE (eldar made all saves 4+ ).

Vindicator shot at wave serpent and blew it up with a 6 - explosion kills one dire avenger and killing no FD despite hitting all of them. center: wraithlord took a wound from the LF. LF's also wiped out the last 2 guardians.
Player One ASSAULT Phase – autarch killed battle leader, mark of the wolven does two wounds. combat ends in draw.

Ynnead be praised the god's were on our side
Vindicator shot at wave serpent and blew it up with a 6 - explosion kills one dire avenger and killing no FD despite hitting all of them. center: wraithlord took a wound from the LF. LF's also wiped out the last 2 guardians.
Player One ASSAULT Phase – autarch killed battle leader, mark of the wolven does two wounds. combat ends in draw.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – Moved up wraithlord closer to the rhino; fire dragons and dire avengers and vyper all move up to form firing line; eldrond dropped down one level to get his 6"; scorpions climbed to high ground.
Player Two SHOOTING Phase - guided fire dragons; DR does nothing; fire dragons kill 4 GH's; dire avengers kill 4 more. vyper gets none; scorpions kill 2 BC.
Player Two ASSAULT Phase – wraithlord charges rhino in the center near the objective; autarch kills wolven and consolidates towards center objective.
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – rune priest and last remaining GH move towards FD. vindicator moves back towards L objective; 10 man GH moves up to contest center objective; drednought moves towards center objective; BC arrange firing line for scorpions.
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – rune priest and last remaining GH move towards FD. vindicator moves back towards L objective; 10 man GH moves up to contest center objective; drednought moves towards center objective; BC arrange firing line for scorpions.
Player One SHOOTING Phase - ordinance kills one dire avenger in the L flank; perils of the warp wounds rune priest; GH shot kills a FD; LF's causes 2nd wound to wraithlord; final wound from dreadnought killing wraithlord with a lucky 6; BC shoots and kills 4 scorpions.
Player One ASSAULT Phase – rune priest and GH charge FD, killing only one but win by 1. FDs hold.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – dire avenger gets closer to rune priest and GH; vyper flies over to contest R objective; autarch moves close to rhino in the center; center dire avengers disembark.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – dire avenger gets closer to rune priest and GH; vyper flies over to contest R objective; autarch moves close to rhino in the center; center dire avengers disembark.
Player Two SHOOTING Phase - doom rune priest and GH squad. guided the DR. one GH died from the dire avengers in the center....
Player Two ASSAULT Phase –autarch charges rhino, blowing it up. explosion only kills 2 GH's in the center and kills 1 dire avenger. GH's pass their panic contesting the center objective. right flank: dire avenger charges the rune priest and GH squad. rune priest wiped out FDs and dire avengers broke from combat and managed to escape.
Did game continue to TURN 6? – NO
Winner - GAY ROB (1 objective)
How did the Dice Gods treat each player – For Eldar 65%, Gay Rob 75%
High Points of Game - Eldar making phenomenal 4+ armor saves. Gay Rob's ordinance blast killing 4/5 DR's. Guardians being resilient for the first 4 turns. Star cannons VERY ineffectual. AUTARCH DESSIMATING 8 MAN GH SQUAD IN ONE TURN FOLLOWED BY A RHINO :)
Player One Commentary
“Solid performance out of the space wolves. very balance all comers army list. Eldar army was very fluid and mobile with good shooting. The lucky ordinance shot wiping out the dark reapers and the rune priest shutting her magic phase won me the game".
If anything at all, what would you change about your units or your overall strategy? - "The all father protects"
Player Two Commentary
"Who wants to mess with the extreme emotions of the Eldar?"
If anything at all, what would you change about your units or your overall strategy? - “I tried out something new: 2 dire avengers in wave serpents...i doubt i'll take that again...i miss my hard hitting units (shining spears or harlequins), Bright lances were popped first turn...and star cannons did shieet, oh well!”
Additional Comments or Thoughts -
The ONE time rob calls on "the power of mikEL" his ordinance hits and takes out ALL my DR's.

Did game continue to TURN 6? – NO
Winner - GAY ROB (1 objective)
How did the Dice Gods treat each player – For Eldar 65%, Gay Rob 75%
High Points of Game - Eldar making phenomenal 4+ armor saves. Gay Rob's ordinance blast killing 4/5 DR's. Guardians being resilient for the first 4 turns. Star cannons VERY ineffectual. AUTARCH DESSIMATING 8 MAN GH SQUAD IN ONE TURN FOLLOWED BY A RHINO :)
Player One Commentary
“Solid performance out of the space wolves. very balance all comers army list. Eldar army was very fluid and mobile with good shooting. The lucky ordinance shot wiping out the dark reapers and the rune priest shutting her magic phase won me the game".
If anything at all, what would you change about your units or your overall strategy? - "The all father protects"
Player Two Commentary
"Who wants to mess with the extreme emotions of the Eldar?"
If anything at all, what would you change about your units or your overall strategy? - “I tried out something new: 2 dire avengers in wave serpents...i doubt i'll take that again...i miss my hard hitting units (shining spears or harlequins), Bright lances were popped first turn...and star cannons did shieet, oh well!”
Additional Comments or Thoughts -
The ONE time rob calls on "the power of mikEL" his ordinance hits and takes out ALL my DR's.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Scheduling with Google Calendars!
Using the jrzyhammer@gmail.com account I opened a calendar and included all of you (via the emails you provided) to access and edit it.
So, if you so choose, we can actually schedule our games.
Once in, you'll be able to add events to the general "jrzyhammer@gmail.com" calendar that we all have access to.
TIP: When entering events, type the time first and then the event name (e.g. 12pm Buttsecks) and the time will appear in bold and subscript on the calendar, standing apart from the name.
In addition, I've added a "useful" links widget to the sidebar and tossed the above into it along with one of my favorite sites. Please add yours via layout > edit the useful links widget.
Throw down this weekend
Ok so after working all night driving back from DE last night and then watching Bailey earlier im about to go to bed.
Who wants to meet the Orks.
I fed the fish for about 5 minutes. I wish they were gretchens
Who wants to meet the Orks.
I fed the fish for about 5 minutes. I wish they were gretchens
Blood and Thunder
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
So, I was messing around with logo ideas and came up with this. I wasn't sure what to put in the blank space (maybe a slogan?) where "40,000" would normally be, but I thought it was wise to remove it, in case we want to expand our talks into the regular Warhammer Fantasy realm.
I may work with different lettering and metal plates when I find the time. Perhaps more rusted looking metal. I think it gets the idea behind our name out though, a sort of take over or blending of Warhammer and jrzy.
What do you think of the direction? Ideas, suggestions, etc. welcome!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
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