Monday, February 8, 2010

Edit Pages. Lists.

I dunno if everyone can see the sidepanel blog thingy for me that has my entire Tau army index in it. For reference, I propose we should document as accurately as possible the armies we possess collectively. Kind of a pain I know but so is collecting as many armies as we all have. Ed if we create a section for this you can just copy and paste my Tau army list into a new blog/new section. No rush, I'm sure everyone has a ballpark idea of how large their armies are point-wise.

I'd like to see how large our Dark Eldar and Necron armies are. Mike since you're the only player with 2 accounts i hope you spend a lil time on here. If you read this page, do it up you dirty Texan with the D.Eldar and Necron armylists.

Base unit costs, necessary upgrades only. You know the deal peoples.


From Ed...

Sounds good Bill. Considering there is a limit of 10 stand alone pages, I've taken your advise and rolled all the army lists into one page, which you can access to the right, under "useful links". They are in Alpha order and I have added anchor links so you can click and jump to that section of the Army Lists.

PLEASE NOTE: Blogger is being a bitch and f'ing up my links if you go to edit that page, switch to compose mode, and publish. Because of that, please just post your army lists in a regular blog on the main page, and I will transfer them over to the army list section. Alternatively, feel free to send me them via email or facebook. (or make sure you only edit from HTML tab) Thanks.

Now, for those of you who would like your own "member page" to do what you want with, you can also create that, and it will be automatically added to the "member page" menu also in the side bar. To add a page, simply go to the "Posting Tab", click on "Edit Pages" and click "New Page".

These act as static blog posts. Which means, you will only be able to edit that one initial post on the page to add things, however, they will never be posted to the main blog body as updates (hitting "new post" even on your page seems to add it to the main body and not that static page).

Please let me know if anyone has any questions.

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