2.16.10 | 2000 point
Scenery Arranger(s) - Rob (first time, ever)
Additional Game Witnesses? Bunny and Kitty
Mission Type Rolled For - Objectives
Number of Objectives/CapturePoints – 3
Objective Markers Placed By - 2 by Susmita 1 by Gay Rob
Deployment Type Rolled For - Pitched Battle
First Turn Won By - Gay Rob
Initiative Seized? – No
Player 1 - Space Wolves
Player 2 - Eldar

Total Number of Units/KillPoints taken - 14
*EXACT* Number of Points Taken - 2000
-Number of HQ taken: 3
-Number of Troops taken: 4
-Number of Elites taken: 3
-Number of Fast Attack taken: 0
-Number of Heavy Support taken: 3
Wold guard battle leader - frost blade and runic armor, wolf tail tailsman
Rune priest
Wold priest
6 scouts w/wolf guard
invenerable dreadnought
15 blood claws w/wolf guard
10 grey hunters with wolf guard terminator
2x8 grey hunters w/ wolf guard in rhinos
2x6 long fangs
Player 2 Army List
Wold priest
6 scouts w/wolf guard
invenerable dreadnought
15 blood claws w/wolf guard
10 grey hunters with wolf guard terminator
2x8 grey hunters w/ wolf guard in rhinos
2x6 long fangs
Player 2 Army List
Total Number of Units/KillPoints taken - 14
*EXACT* Number of Points Taken - 2000
-Number of HQ taken: 2
-Number of Troops taken: 4
-Number of Elites taken: 2
-Number of Fast Attack taken: 1
-Number of Heavy Support taken: 3
Eldrond farseer
5 pathfinders
2x10 dire avengers - both in wave serpents
- 1 w/bladestorm
- 1 w/
6 fire dragons in falcon
10 guardians w/warlock and heavy weapons platform
10 striking scorpions (outflanking)
5 dark reapers

*EXACT* Number of Points Taken - 2000
-Number of HQ taken: 2
-Number of Troops taken: 4
-Number of Elites taken: 2
-Number of Fast Attack taken: 1
-Number of Heavy Support taken: 3
Eldrond farseer
5 pathfinders
2x10 dire avengers - both in wave serpents
- 1 w/bladestorm
- 1 w/
6 fire dragons in falcon
10 guardians w/warlock and heavy weapons platform
10 striking scorpions (outflanking)
5 dark reapers

The Starfling
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – Vindicator up; wolf guard battle leader to right; rune priest rhino to the left; dreadnought and grey hunters comes out of the building;

Player One MOVEMENT Phase – Vindicator up; wolf guard battle leader to right; rune priest rhino to the left; dreadnought and grey hunters comes out of the building;

The Wolves advance
Player One SHOOTING Phase - LF shot at wave serpent behind the cathedral, blowing up bright lance and shruken catapult; rest of the shooting was dedicated to the guardians and only 2 died.
Player One ASSAULT Phase – n/a
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – turbo boosted wave serpent to right flank; moved falcon up 4 inches.
Player Two SHOOTING Phase - guided DR and falcon, and fortuned DR. falcon shot pulse laser at vindicator which resulted in a may not shoot. repears killed 4 long fangs. pathfinders did nothing. LF'S broke and fled.
Player Two ASSAULT Phase – n/a
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – LF's rallied and moved forward 6. rune priest and rhino continued to move gay rob's left flank; vindicator moved up; wolf guard rhino moved up to the center objective; dreadnought moved forward; scouts appeared behind enemy lines.
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – LF's rallied and moved forward 6. rune priest and rhino continued to move gay rob's left flank; vindicator moved up; wolf guard rhino moved up to the center objective; dreadnought moved forward; scouts appeared behind enemy lines.
Player One SHOOTING Phase - all shooting managed to killed 2 more guardians and melta gunned the falcon resulting in a may not shoot.
The Falcon's crew sits unable to shoot following a melta onslaught
Player One ASSAULT Phase – scouts charged pathfinders and falcon from behind; thunderhammer destroyed falcon and killed 3 pathfinders; pathfinders broke and fled.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – turbo boosted serpent back in the center; fire dragons moved back to shoot at scouts; dire avengers disembarked.
Player Two SHOOTING Phase -magic was shot down. fire dragons killed 3 scouts; dire avengers skilled 3; vyper killed 1. repears shot at LFs killing only one more. Last survivor passed check.
Player Two ASSAULT Phase – n/a
Player One MOVEMENT Phase –moved wolfguard battle leader up and disembarked squad; moved rune priest rhino up a couple inches; moved vindicator up; moved the dreadnought up; shuffled blood claws up
Player One MOVEMENT Phase –moved wolfguard battle leader up and disembarked squad; moved rune priest rhino up a couple inches; moved vindicator up; moved the dreadnought up; shuffled blood claws up
Player One SHOOTING Phase - ran with blood claws; everything else shot at guardians and reduced them to only 2 models; ordinance shot at DR and wiped out all but one. lost a plasma guy (lol)
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – reembarked dire avengers; moved fire dragons up behind the wave serpent; moved vpyer to the right of the board edge; disembarked autarch and moved forward; moved wraithlord forward. guardians were covered from going to ground. scorpions showed up and came on my left side (worst possible side...accomplished NOTHING). other wave serpent moves towards the center objective,
Player Two SHOOTING Phase - fortune and guide fire dragons. everything shot at rhino, only to immobilize and destroy its weapon. wraithlord destroys the other rhino's storm bolter.
Player Two ASSAULT Phase – autarch assaults wolf guard battle leader and grey hunters; wraithlord goes to help autarch but rolls 3 1's for difficult terrain (of course!). autarch used ordinance attack killing 7 grey hunters and a wolf guard. GH lose by 8 by makes all armor saves; so locked in combat.
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – rune priest and GH disembark from rhino and form firing line; blood claws move forward, center 10 GH move forward; dreadnought moves forward.
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – rune priest and GH disembark from rhino and form firing line; blood claws move forward, center 10 GH move forward; dreadnought moves forward.
Player One SHOOTING Phase - right flank: rune priest does a perils of the warp but fails to wound him; GH's unload on fire dragons killing NO ONE (eldar made all saves 4+ ).

Vindicator shot at wave serpent and blew it up with a 6 - explosion kills one dire avenger and killing no FD despite hitting all of them. center: wraithlord took a wound from the LF. LF's also wiped out the last 2 guardians.
Player One ASSAULT Phase – autarch killed battle leader, mark of the wolven does two wounds. combat ends in draw.

Ynnead be praised the god's were on our side
Vindicator shot at wave serpent and blew it up with a 6 - explosion kills one dire avenger and killing no FD despite hitting all of them. center: wraithlord took a wound from the LF. LF's also wiped out the last 2 guardians.
Player One ASSAULT Phase – autarch killed battle leader, mark of the wolven does two wounds. combat ends in draw.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – Moved up wraithlord closer to the rhino; fire dragons and dire avengers and vyper all move up to form firing line; eldrond dropped down one level to get his 6"; scorpions climbed to high ground.
Player Two SHOOTING Phase - guided fire dragons; DR does nothing; fire dragons kill 4 GH's; dire avengers kill 4 more. vyper gets none; scorpions kill 2 BC.
Player Two ASSAULT Phase – wraithlord charges rhino in the center near the objective; autarch kills wolven and consolidates towards center objective.
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – rune priest and last remaining GH move towards FD. vindicator moves back towards L objective; 10 man GH moves up to contest center objective; drednought moves towards center objective; BC arrange firing line for scorpions.
Player One MOVEMENT Phase – rune priest and last remaining GH move towards FD. vindicator moves back towards L objective; 10 man GH moves up to contest center objective; drednought moves towards center objective; BC arrange firing line for scorpions.
Player One SHOOTING Phase - ordinance kills one dire avenger in the L flank; perils of the warp wounds rune priest; GH shot kills a FD; LF's causes 2nd wound to wraithlord; final wound from dreadnought killing wraithlord with a lucky 6; BC shoots and kills 4 scorpions.
Player One ASSAULT Phase – rune priest and GH charge FD, killing only one but win by 1. FDs hold.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – dire avenger gets closer to rune priest and GH; vyper flies over to contest R objective; autarch moves close to rhino in the center; center dire avengers disembark.
Player Two MOVEMENT Phase – dire avenger gets closer to rune priest and GH; vyper flies over to contest R objective; autarch moves close to rhino in the center; center dire avengers disembark.
Player Two SHOOTING Phase - doom rune priest and GH squad. guided the DR. one GH died from the dire avengers in the center....
Player Two ASSAULT Phase –autarch charges rhino, blowing it up. explosion only kills 2 GH's in the center and kills 1 dire avenger. GH's pass their panic contesting the center objective. right flank: dire avenger charges the rune priest and GH squad. rune priest wiped out FDs and dire avengers broke from combat and managed to escape.
Did game continue to TURN 6? – NO
Winner - GAY ROB (1 objective)
How did the Dice Gods treat each player – For Eldar 65%, Gay Rob 75%
High Points of Game - Eldar making phenomenal 4+ armor saves. Gay Rob's ordinance blast killing 4/5 DR's. Guardians being resilient for the first 4 turns. Star cannons VERY ineffectual. AUTARCH DESSIMATING 8 MAN GH SQUAD IN ONE TURN FOLLOWED BY A RHINO :)
Player One Commentary
“Solid performance out of the space wolves. very balance all comers army list. Eldar army was very fluid and mobile with good shooting. The lucky ordinance shot wiping out the dark reapers and the rune priest shutting her magic phase won me the game".
If anything at all, what would you change about your units or your overall strategy? - "The all father protects"
Player Two Commentary
"Who wants to mess with the extreme emotions of the Eldar?"
If anything at all, what would you change about your units or your overall strategy? - “I tried out something new: 2 dire avengers in wave serpents...i doubt i'll take that again...i miss my hard hitting units (shining spears or harlequins), Bright lances were popped first turn...and star cannons did shieet, oh well!”
Additional Comments or Thoughts -
The ONE time rob calls on "the power of mikEL" his ordinance hits and takes out ALL my DR's.

Did game continue to TURN 6? – NO
Winner - GAY ROB (1 objective)
How did the Dice Gods treat each player – For Eldar 65%, Gay Rob 75%
High Points of Game - Eldar making phenomenal 4+ armor saves. Gay Rob's ordinance blast killing 4/5 DR's. Guardians being resilient for the first 4 turns. Star cannons VERY ineffectual. AUTARCH DESSIMATING 8 MAN GH SQUAD IN ONE TURN FOLLOWED BY A RHINO :)
Player One Commentary
“Solid performance out of the space wolves. very balance all comers army list. Eldar army was very fluid and mobile with good shooting. The lucky ordinance shot wiping out the dark reapers and the rune priest shutting her magic phase won me the game".
If anything at all, what would you change about your units or your overall strategy? - "The all father protects"
Player Two Commentary
"Who wants to mess with the extreme emotions of the Eldar?"
If anything at all, what would you change about your units or your overall strategy? - “I tried out something new: 2 dire avengers in wave serpents...i doubt i'll take that again...i miss my hard hitting units (shining spears or harlequins), Bright lances were popped first turn...and star cannons did shieet, oh well!”
Additional Comments or Thoughts -
The ONE time rob calls on "the power of mikEL" his ordinance hits and takes out ALL my DR's.

Nice report! The snow not only kept you in Jersey but also made sure you were bored enough to type all that up.
ReplyDeleteGood to see my Brother Astartes laying the smack down on some dirty xenos. Well done Sons of Russ.
I also enjoyed how you came up wit the name "Eldrond" this time. Sort of a like a blend of Elrond (from Lord of the Rings) and Eldrad, which is actually what your HQ is named (Eldrad Ulthran to be exact). That was neat. But I digress...
Any reason you didn't want to summon your mighty Avatar for this one?
PS. Do you have a recipe for starfling dessert?
ReplyDeleteEd – I wanted to see what the autarch did. How many characters/units can decimate a GH squad in one turn?
ReplyDeleteChris – continuing our conversation from facebook: I agree with a few points you made regarding the blog and army list. As far as the pictures go, they are from your camera
It’s a little annoying dragging the pictures where you want them, as they are placed on top of the page.
Thanks for picking out spelling errors, I would too.
Firedragons, they have been useful thus far, but you’re right, I could be taking more lances instead of them….but they are cool.
As far as deployment goes, I disagree with you. I hid 2 out of 3 vehicles first turn. Rob took the better side, and there’s only so much terrain to hide vehicles out of line of sight. Some of us don’t complain about the terrain, we adapt to situations; make the best out of things – you should know since you’re so positive!
I will also disagree with you time and time again regarding his scouts. I will not base my ENTIRE deployment and tactic against his scouts. I won last weeks game. How? -Definitely not by revolving my game around his scouts.
Also, it thrills me to hear you cried. You can see my pearly whites right now.
So, I have a proposition for you, your all knowingness. Why don’t you play Rob as Eldar? Since you have so much logical advice to give (more often than not), I’d like to see you win. I’ll even say “I’m sorry, you were right, I should have listened to you”. Till then, you’re wrong, wrong, and wrong some more.
Baday to you, sir.
Regarding photos - You can have the originals larger if you like, but than just use the "small" preview in the body. This seems ideal to me - they will take up less room and will flow better with text around them while people can still click the image to have the full size pop up.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sold on basing everything around Scouts either. They were totally stalled short of even getting a KP when Rob used them against our team match. If anything, they seem like they will be a KP for a KP in many cases. Of course, if you can prevent them from being able to charge anything when they come in, why not?
In addition, you could always associate a letter or number with each photo and explain it in the body. Extra returns can help, I actually went in and added more line breaks to your original, separating each phase better.
ReplyDeleteI was just messing with some format of this.