Sunday, June 6, 2010

Jrzyhammer Kill Team Tournament

Army Lists and Final Results:
Mike's Necrons - 11 points (From 1 forfeit, 3 wins --- 3 for Chris + 3 for Ed + 3 for Susmita + 2 for Rob)
4 Destroyers

Susmita's Eldar - 6 points (From 1 forfeit, 2 wins --- 3 for Chris + 1 for Rob + 2 for Ed)
Exarch, 5 Firedragons, 10 Guardians

Rob's Space Wolves - 6 points (From 1 forfeit, 1 win --- 3 for Chris + 3 for Ed)
10 Grey Hunters (Plasmagun, Meltagun), Lone Wolf with F-Wolf

Ed's Space Marines (Used C:SM instead of DA) - 3 points (Just 3 for Chris's forfeit)
10 Tactical Marines, Sergeant with PW, Plasmagun, Missile Launcher

Chris's Orks - o points
Lootas and Gretchin

Though we laughed when Mike presented his list of only 4 models, they owned the board with their speed, toughness and long range Assualt 3 weaponry. The Necrons pulled off two massacres (Elder and SM) and one additional win to place first with double digit points.

Though the Eldar and Space Wolves tied point-wise, the Eldar technically had two wins and thus claimed 2nd place.

We would like to thank Chris for storming out and giving us all 3 points. If he hadn't, I (Ed) probably wouldn't have even scored 3 points.

The tournament was topped off with a 2v2 match featuring the sons of the Wolf and Lion working together versus a force of dirty xenos, aka Eldar and Necrons. Unfortunately the cowards held back and used their range long enough to inflict the wounds for the proud Astartes to start taking tests. With the Lone Wolf and both sergeants down, a roll of 8 was all it took for a Xeno win.

The four of us agreed if was definitely a fun little tournament and look forward to doing it again. Hopefully next time we can get Billy in with his Tau or Chaos (Think about it Bill, you can probably field like 15 Kroot and some Crisis Suits, that ain't too shabby, remember, in shooting, we can only kill one Kroot at a time).

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