Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Even old models can have fun
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
New Chaos Stuff
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Space Wolves VS Dark Angels (pics in order)
Battle Mission: 3 objectives (don't recall the name), Wolves were the "offense", Angels the "defense" - Before each shooting phase we played a stray artillery rule
Space Wolf List
Wolf Lord: Frostblade, Runic Armour, and Belt of Russ
Rune Priest: Chooser of the Slain and Runic Armour, Jaws of the World
Wolf and Living Lighting.
7 Wolf Guard Terminators: (2) SB/ PW, (2) Dual WCs, (1) Assault Cannon and PW, (1) PW/ SS, (1) TH/ SS
6 Wolf Scouts: Meltagun and Mark of the Wulfen + Wolf Guard: Thunder Hammer
Lone Wolf: TDA, TH/ SS
10 Grey Hunters: 2 plasmaguns, Wolf Standard, and MOTW
9 Grey Hunters: Meltagun, Wolf Standard, and MOTW w/Rhino
9 Grey Hunters: Meltagun, Wolf Standard, and MOTW + Wolf Guard: PF w/Rhino
Land Raider Crusader: Extra Armor
6 Long Fangs: 2 HBs, 2 LCs, ML
Wolf Guard: TDA, CML, SB, and WC
Points: 1995
Models: 47
Scoring Units: 3
Dark Angels List (Duelwing, aka Deathraven)
Belial w/DLC (includes apoth)
Sammael, on jetbike (includes apoth)
DW1, CML (per C:SM)
RW1, 6 Bikers, PF Sarge, 2 Meltas, MM Attack Bike, meltabombs
RW2, 6 bikers, 2 Plasmaguns, MM AB, meltabombs
Models: 31
Vehicles: 2
Scoring Units: 7 (counts Attack bike as separate)
Ravenwing bikes patrol the the front lines, forcing the Wolves deployment back (per battle mission rules)
The Ravenwing use their scout move to fall back ahead of Wolf shooting
Thunder and Lightning - Twin Predators
The killing field where two of the 3 objective were - perfect for vehicles, not so perfect for Ravenwing with it's lack of cover
After quite a bit of horrendus shooting on the part of both the Deathwing and Ravenwing, the one squad charged to break open the rhino. The Grey Hunters poured out in a frenzy. The wiley wolf scouts still hung on to left in cover despite the shots poured into them.
Board edge Terminators fail to enter difficult terrain, Remaining Wolf Scouts charge the Bikers.
It's gonna be a fire fiiiiiiiight!!!!!
Land Raider Crusader loaded with Wolf Guard Terminators and Wolf Lord prepare to shoot and assault the Deathwing Command. The outcome was not pretty for the Angels, as Belial fell to the Wolf Lord, but not without brining him close to death himself. A bad omen to loose their leader, the rest of the 1st company's finest fell soon after.
Sammeal moves up to take some more pot shots with his Plasma Cannon. The second rhino would eventually also be popped and that squad of Grey hunters behind it severely thinned. Unfortunately two plasma bikers succumb to "gets hot" (a good reason to not rapid fire plasma guns) on the way to charge the Grey Hunters to make a last ditch effort towards the objective. A rune priest and 2 Grey wolves best the remaining 4 Bikers in combat.
Highlight of that night for the Dark Angels was that I got my favorite beanie back (pictured)
Result: Space Wolves victory in turn 5 with DA concession - Wolves held 2 objectives to none at the time.
2 Attack Bikes and two Predators remain as we went into the top of the 5th with the Wolves going first. Even if they all survived, the remaining Wolf Guard Terminators would have pulled a U-turn and hit the objective directly behind them. The Dark Angels may have been able to contest 1-2 (slim) objectives, but in the end, the Wolves held one (bottom right of photo above) securely in their hands no matter what. Conceding seemed the best option for the DA.
DA managed to take out Lone Wolf, 2 Rhinos and Wolf Scouts but were very close to being tabled depending on how turn 5 might have went for the Wolves.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
This weekends games?
Had an event on Saturday with the gf, a Christening on Sun and then Drew's BBQ. No 40k for me's this weekend :(
Susmita you wanna do a Tau vs Daemonhunters or a Farsight Enclave vs Eldar 1850 game this weekend maybe?
From Ed --------
2000 point Nids vs Wolves
Used Battle missions book. Played the necron mission Reconnaissance in Force, Mike using the Nids instead of Necrons (Mike feel free to add as you see fit).
Here is Rob's commentary:
"There where 3 objectives and before deployment Mike had to write down what board edge he would be walking in from. Next I had to deploy, but a unit had to be 12 inches from a board edge. That was a tough deployment as then Nids had charge range from 3 out of the 4 sides and I did't know where he was coming in at. Mike and I both thought I would be wiped out by turn 3.
As it turned out I was 18 inches away and he was going to need 6s on his fleet rolls to make combat (yeah for the wolves). On my turn one I got to do the charging. Anyway, the game was filled with massive combats (which I did not want to be in, but had no choice) and a few brutal short ranged fire fights (wolves giving and Nids receiving). Neither a lot of maneuvering nor long range heavy weapons fight. Just meat grinder combats. It was one of the most bloody games I have played.
Game went 5 turns and ended with a win for the Wolves. I held one objective with a 8 man GH. I contested another objective with a lone Rune Priest with one wound. and I contested the other with a immobolized dread. Mike had 2 zonethropes, squad of 4 termaguants, squad of 3 termaguants, and 3 hive guard hiding away in a back corner.
I was expencting a massacare but got a win. I'm loving PF in my GHs."
Friday, March 19, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
More pictures from Eldar VS. SW game
Drop pod ready to shoot the hell out of the guardians. Killed 8 guardians first turn. 2 survived passing the check!
Fire dragons blew up Rhino. (Not pictured, but as a result of explosion, half of grey hunters were decimated).
Saturday, March 13, 2010
FLANK ATTACK! Eldar vs. Space Wolves 2250pts
Brief Army List and Summary
HQ: Eldron and Avatar
Troops: 2 x10 Guardians w/star cannon
2 x10 Dire Avengers (both bladestorm) in serpents
5 Pathfinders
Elite: 5 fire dragons [in Falcon] w/pulse laser and shruken cannon
10 Striking Scorpions w/Exarch and power fist
10 Harlequins w/Shawdowseer
Heavy: 5 Dark Reapers
Space Wolves
HQ: Rune Priest, Wolf Priest
Elite: Arjac Rockfist with 8 grey hunters in drop pod
6 scouts w/wolf guard
in-venerable dreadnaught
5 more wolf guards
Troops: 15 blood claws (w/wolf guard)
4 squads of grey hunters (1 w/wolf guard
Heavy: 2 x6 longfangs
3 objectives. 2 on Space Wolves side, one on Eldar.
Space Wolves choose sides. Eldar went first, per the mission. Eldar only deployed Eldrond, reapers, pathfinders infiltrated, and a squad of guardians. Everything else was held for reserves. Rob deployed everything. 2 Rhinos in the middle as well as the vindicator. Bloodclaws and grey hunters in the building. 1 squad LF in building, the other in a bush in cover.
Space Wolves shot pretty much everything at Elrond and the reapers the first 3 turns. Taking out all but one and Elrond lived!
Harlequins and Avatar came in turn 4, and f'd with Space Wolves left flank, which ended up contesting that objective.
Space Wolves took out 1 unit of guardians, 1 unit of DA, unit of scorpions via close combat, unit of harlequins via CC and 2 vehicles.
Eldar took out a unit of long fangs, 2 rhinos, 2 units of GH, and a shit load of blood claws, and scouts.
End Result: DRAW. 1 objective each, with both contesting the other.
Fun, friendly game....though I questioned the whole shooting out of cover - one time i got cover and the next i didn't. SO confused!
Eldar MVP: Elrond
Space Wolves MVP: Invenerable dreadnaught
Scouts came on trying to take care of the scorpions.
Trying to think where the guardians should come in. Ended up on the R flank of Space Wolves deployment zone to support the pathfinders.
Drop pod! Oh NO!
Aerial view during turn 1. Did I mention turn by turn 3 Eldar took out 2 rhinos?
Space Wolves deployment.
Dark Angel Orks VS Chaos Eldar

Scenery setup.
Orks and Dark Anges VS Eldar and Chaos.
KILL points
Deployment: Corners !!
So this was the worst the orks could of hoped for deployement
Picture is end turn 1 . Orks move forward a squad of FD took one of the flanks.
As you can see the orks are all over the place and they have a ordnance weapon along with first turn.
Deployment would later find that it was towards the Eldars and Chaos’s disadvantage.
Turn 1 nothing much went on. Only 5 FnP orks died. Dorks turn proved just as ineffective but would later prove pivotal for knocking off the ordnance weapon allowed for easier moment of models.
- Terminators arrive. Deamons do not!
TURN two is where susmita took the longest to figure out what she wanted to do. She seemed unsure of what to do. Even though killing 5 orks was pretty effective according to their excitement.
On the other Hand Chaos did a Very unusual Chaos tactic… They pulled back with the land raider. Also INSTEAD of lashing a squad towards them they pushed it back!!!.
Seemed like a great idea. Get some more kills on the squad before they dedicate their attacks in to the FnP orks.
Start the magic and Shooting!!!!!
Susmita did some shooting. It really sucked. Chaos’s was just as bad since on turn 2 there were no casualties taken from the Dorks.
Heres where the end of their movement looked like
The only thing I didn’t label was the Deamon prince. And the Guraidains because I completely forgot about them while drawling my MsPaint shot photo…. And the terminators. Because they were DS’d up in no mans Land. No were close enough to assist the besereks in a counter.
Dorks turn 2. Bottom half.
Reservers: Kommandos arrive. Terminators Don’t
Movment. Orks move forward. Kommandos come in right where Susmita is sitting with her hands holding her head in sad despair. Terminators Move up and FAN out! Some were in the building for better LOS
Kommandos Kill so many guys pulls them out of charge range.
Guardians end of getting wiped out at shooting.
Deamon prince takes 1 squad of lootas 2 squad of Boys fireing (not full complents) AND is killed
Fire dragons transport is stopped from moving and shooting next turn. (didn’t matter it was out in no mans land)
-the main leg work is done when the Oddly place Rhino was approached by the 3 bikes with a melta. Score the melta HITS. And Penetrates! I wonder if Chaos has Smoke launchers. Not that it would of mattered because smoke launchers have to be deployed
Major EVENT: Once all the guys PILE out. They got LIT up by 2 squads of terminators who were effectively placed. On turn 1 Deepstrike from the bikes homers. (WHOM gain’d position with the scout movment {out of LOS})
This took the wind out of the sales of the Chaos army. To much pussyfooting caused a larger window for mistakes to be made. The rhino that was blown up and the amount of damage that squad took was big causing that squad to be NEih! Effective.
----- I personally don’t really know what was line of thought thinking here?
- going against DA’s which are all Terminators you better be bringing POWER WEAPONS in H2h
-Same goes for the orks with the FnP.
throwing 40 attacks on the charges at Full compliments…. No power weapons.
Terms 3s then 3s then armor saves 2s
kill count 2.9: Apoth might be able to even negate one of those to if it hasn’t already.
FnP: 3s then 3s then armor saves 4s then FnP 4s
Kill Count: 4.35: this just isn’t enough KILLS against the orks since they get 2 attacks each and there power Class which get 4s 2s DED!
At start turn 3 which would prove to be the last turn played by the dorks.
EVENTS occurred:
Land raider moves up Delivers payload charges the non FnP orks
Dire Avengers move and shoot killing the commandos.
3 beserkers charge 3 bikes ( no power weapons)
Deamons Not arrive (BIG)
(my thoughts)
Finally the berserkers took the bait and moved forward.
Charged and did kill 14 orks. 11 more orks died from additional wounds.
Left the berserkers to get countered so that they could also spring board them over.
******************* Last turn needed by Dorks
Shooting CML in to the Dire Avengers which contains a fireseer made them fail Leadership run off board.
More shooting in to the Banshees transport Knocked it down and caused them to take a decent amount of wounds on the way down.
Beserkers finished off the rest of the 1 sqaud of boys that didn’t FnP.
FnP squad kills 3 Beserekers and stuck in combat.
So this picture here is basically the last of what happened.
The landraider ran away
Terminators walked on top of the LR…. WEIRD? But I will in the future try to place guys in vehicles too!
Deamons DS and charged…. But didn’t kill 1 GUY!!!!
The other berserkers didn’t kill 1 guy!!!
The last 3 other berserkers died.
After this turn Defeat was conceated! It was assumed that everything would have been wipe’d out and would have died before the end of turn 4….. ok maybe not but its fun to have hoped everything would of died. Even though we technically will never Know