Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Even old models can have fun

Well, since we've had a flurry of model postings, I thought I'd join the bandwagon. After my horrible defeat to the Wolves this past weekend, I realized that it was obviously because this old Predator's work in progress paint job did not do it justice. That's right, lack of paint was the WHOLE reason I lost.

Anywho, my last couple paint sessions have had my attention on this fella. Still needs some finishing up, but much more presentable at least -

The thin lines of the red freehand (sword outline) were a bitch and I'm not totally satisfied with them. As I'm a bit anal when it comes to this stuff, I'm on the verge of simply painting over them.

Do you think the frames of the vents being the bone color is too much? I was also contemplating changing them back to simply green.


  1. ed! this is awesome! well done. would you like to play against my DH sometime? it'd be a fair match as i have lost my touch with them :)

  2. Well, I'm not sure if I should take that as insult or not... but, I really never care who I play. So sure.

    How close to I need to be so not be effected by shrouding?

  3. I can swing 18. My terminators like to shoot at things at least that far away... and than run back.
