Brief Army List and Summary
HQ: Eldron and Avatar
Troops: 2 x10 Guardians w/star cannon
2 x10 Dire Avengers (both bladestorm) in serpents
5 Pathfinders
Elite: 5 fire dragons [in Falcon] w/pulse laser and shruken cannon
10 Striking Scorpions w/Exarch and power fist
10 Harlequins w/Shawdowseer
Heavy: 5 Dark Reapers
Space Wolves
HQ: Rune Priest, Wolf Priest
Elite: Arjac Rockfist with 8 grey hunters in drop pod
6 scouts w/wolf guard
in-venerable dreadnaught
5 more wolf guards
Troops: 15 blood claws (w/wolf guard)
4 squads of grey hunters (1 w/wolf guard
Heavy: 2 x6 longfangs
3 objectives. 2 on Space Wolves side, one on Eldar.
Space Wolves choose sides. Eldar went first, per the mission. Eldar only deployed Eldrond, reapers, pathfinders infiltrated, and a squad of guardians. Everything else was held for reserves. Rob deployed everything. 2 Rhinos in the middle as well as the vindicator. Bloodclaws and grey hunters in the building. 1 squad LF in building, the other in a bush in cover.
Space Wolves shot pretty much everything at Elrond and the reapers the first 3 turns. Taking out all but one and Elrond lived!
Harlequins and Avatar came in turn 4, and f'd with Space Wolves left flank, which ended up contesting that objective.
Space Wolves took out 1 unit of guardians, 1 unit of DA, unit of scorpions via close combat, unit of harlequins via CC and 2 vehicles.
Eldar took out a unit of long fangs, 2 rhinos, 2 units of GH, and a shit load of blood claws, and scouts.
End Result: DRAW. 1 objective each, with both contesting the other.
Fun, friendly game....though I questioned the whole shooting out of cover - one time i got cover and the next i didn't. SO confused!
Eldar MVP: Elrond
Space Wolves MVP: Invenerable dreadnaught
Scouts came on trying to take care of the scorpions.
Trying to think where the guardians should come in. Ended up on the R flank of Space Wolves deployment zone to support the pathfinders.
Drop pod! Oh NO!
Aerial view during turn 1. Did I mention turn by turn 3 Eldar took out 2 rhinos?
Space Wolves deployment.
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