Monday, March 8, 2010

Chaos VS eldar


FUCKING UNDERLINES???? how do i get this shit above: FUck blocker Ummmm above FAIL on fire Dragons.... couldn't roll above 5 with 2 dice 3 times.

Left: Chaos advances forward (top of turn one)

ABOVE: Bill seize initiative

Bill and Rob holding hands under the table.

Things went south after you left. The lesser daemons swarmed the guardians
and wiped them out. Then they continued on to wipe out the last half of the
dire avengers. They lived until end game and that was the only good.
Harlequins made a push through the center of the building. When they were
about 10 -12 inches away i opened up at them with my terminators and noise
marines... unfortunately I only rolled a 3 on 2D6 for sight with both
units, hence I could not see them. So two units wasted their entire
shooting. They charged in and wiped out my terminators (the lord still
lived though). Bill shot at the rear end of a wave serpent for 2 or 3
rounds with twin-linked everything. Could not roll above a 2 for damage.
The banshees finally wiped out the plauge marines with some lucky rolling.
I wanted the defiler to come and help out with that combat but Bill wanted
to shoot at the wave serpent again to no effect. And the Avatar wiped out
the Berzerkers. The end score was 8 to 6 Susmita. We only got one KP in the
last 2 or 3 turns. We tried... oh how we tried to get more, but to no

1 comment:

  1. me and rob were playing "Joysticks" with our penises FYI NOT HOLDING HANDS... thats for fags!

    you got a picture of me placing my daemonettes! awesome!! :D
